dilly intel drops from tonight…
john mccain runs point for ghwb is conduit between bush and soros…
who is about to be snatched in cali?
hannity about to drop something else as well…
dhs is busy at the border…
michael hastings raw intel is scary…
i wonder who now has twitchy feet…
that coded anon post told them we have the whole story fully decyphered…
crumbdrops sometimes dropped for the perpetrator only…
fly fly fly…
we can hear you breathe…
why is the USSS on alert?…
not for the reason you think…
think mirror…
who protects potus?…
drones up…
we see all…
time to go hunting…
why are non government officials…
PERVS important to the big picture?…
think weiner…
now think weinstein…
laptop from perv number 1…
what does perv number two have?…