Anyone else have any opinions or insights on the roths short fees fire sale theory?
>Fire Sale
We know Soros grossly bet against the dollar by shorting it.
However stocks boomed.
Soros loses money because he has to pay short fees for his incorrect gamble.
The amount the US Dollar has gone up has been unprecedented, and I'm sure his losses are relative to the success in gains.
Now imagine if the Roths had done the same.
To short a stock you have to present liquid capital as well as collateral.
What if these people aren't that liquid.
What if the Roths are webbed into so many businesses, politicians pockets, and financial loans that they can't immediately acquire capital.
That would mean they're being bled dry in liquid assets/cash.
If the Roths are forced to sell/have their collateral foreclosed on, then they are in much more dire financial woes than just paying off their failed short fees.
This would mean that they are actually unable to casually pay off the fees owed in cash.
Also, it might not just be the dollar they were shorting.
They might have been shorting multiple markets, anticipating a global financial collapse that never occurred.
Now imagine the current state of volatility in the US, and now Asia.
What if there are massive selloffs and new shorts being made in these markets/currencies to manipulate the algorithmic stock trades?
Is this the current global war?
US vs Roth banking empire?
What if its the world's markets vs the Roth banking empire?