You are a bit confuzzled in your paganism, however your ideas about the Bushes have tickled a memory - read a book once about the holocaust from the perspective of a non jew, non german female - to cut long story short - dude (nazi) escaped by changing his name and went to America, could be a bush - nope cant remember name of the book, penned by woman as a biography
The version of Love has been dictated by you, just like every other facet of your life.
Love CAN mean roses and pretty smelly perfumes, it can also mean burning at the stake in order to save your soul from evi,l people eating mass murdering.
Just as a parent will stop a child running in front of traffic and discipline them to save them from death, it is still love.
So, if you mock with love its all good, and laughter is also much closer to love than pedo-satanic kiddy eating and world war manufacturing.