Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3116031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6363





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few ~~weeks~~ MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!






P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.


We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.3116046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Marshals Probe Threats Against Kavanaugh Family: ‘F*** YOU AND YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND’


The U.S. Marshals Service is reportedly investigating violent threats sent to the wife of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after a 36-year-old sexual misconduct allegation was leveled against the judge.


Citing an unnamed, high-ranking Trump official, the Wall Street Journal and CNN report at least four vulgar messages were sent to Ashely Kavanaugh’s work email address. In one instance, Mrs. Kavanaugh was sent an email which reads, “May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell.” Another message states “Hi, Ashley,” you should tell her husband to “put a bullet in his … skull.”


“My condolences to you for being married to a rapist. Although you probably deserve it,” another email read.


On Wednesday, Mrs. Kavanaugh is said to have received a note with the following subject line: “F*** YOU AND YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND.”


The U.S. Marshals Service has yet to issue a statement regarding the matter.


One person close to the confirmation process said that while Mrs. Kavanaugh is upset by the attacks on her husband, she doesn’t want him to withdraw. Judge Kavanaugh himself hasn’t considered withdrawing, according a person familiar with his thinking.


Mrs. Kavanaugh, who serves as Town Manager of Maryland’s Chevy Chase, met the future Supreme Court nominee while working in the George W. Bush White House.


In addition to Mrs. Kavanaugh, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has received multiple threats in a bid to intimidate her into voting against the Trump Supreme Court pick.


“My office has received some pretty ugly voice mail threats, terrible things said to my staff, so this has been a very ugly process and I think that’s very unfortunate,” Collins told radio station WVOM on Wednesday. Last week, Collins’s chief of staff, Steve Abbot, told a Maine television station, “We’ve had some very abusive callers” regarding Kavanaugh’s nomination. “We’ve had some very vulgar calls and sort of harassing the staff.”


Christine Blasey Ford, the California psychology professor accusing Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a house party in 1984, has also been the subject of threats, according to her lawyer Debra Katz. “As you are aware, she has been receiving death threats, which have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and she and her family have been forced out of their home, Katz wrote in an email sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.


In a separate email, Ford’s second lawyer, Lisa Banks, claimed to lawmakers that the professor has faced “vicious harassment” after coming forward with her story. “As a result of these kind of threats, her family was forced to relocate out of their home. Her email has been hacked, and she has been impersonated online,” the attorney wrote.

Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.3116076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6172 >>6670

Google Employees Discussed Tweaking Search Results to Counter Trump Travel Ban


Google employees brainstormed ways to tweak the tech giant’s search functions to encourage users to push back against Trump policies following the President’s proposed travel ban on certain countries in 2017, according to a report on Tucker Carlson Tonight that was also confirmed by the Wall Street Journal.


Via the WSJ (paywalled):


Days after the Trump administration instituted a controversial travel ban in January 2017, Google employees discussed how they could tweak the company’s search-related functions to show users how to contribute to pro-immigration organizations and contact lawmakers and government agencies, according to internal company emails.


The email traffic, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, shows that employees proposed ways to “leverage” search functions and take steps to counter what they considered to be “islamophobic, algorithmically biased results from search terms ‘Islam’, ‘Muslim’, ’Iran’, etc.” and “prejudiced, algorithmically biased search results from search terms Mexico’,Hispanic’, `Latino’, etc.”


According to the WSJ, the email chain was “sprinkled with cautionary notes about engaging in political activity,” but nonetheless discussed ways to use the company’s power over search as a response to Trump’s proposed travel ban on certain Muslim-dominated countries.


The report follows Breitbart News’ release of a leaked recording of Google’s post-election meeting in 2016. The video shows company executives, including co-founder Sergey Brin and CEO Sundar Pichai, lamenting the election of Trump, and brainstorming ways to ensure that the president’s election and the populist movement were just a “blip” and “hiccup” in history.


Google did not deny the existence of the emails, but insisted that none of the ideas discussed were ever acted upon.


“These emails were just a brainstorm of ideas, none of which were ever implemented,” a company spokeswoman said in a statement. “Google has never manipulated its search results or modified any of its products to promote a particular political ideology—not in the current campaign season, not during the 2016 election, and not in the aftermath of President Trump’s executive order on immigration. Our processes and policies would not have allowed for any manipulation of search results to promote political ideologies.”

Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.3116397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10,000+ pedophiles arrested world wide so far, enormous dark-web child porn sites shut down. Lots more coming this is just the no-name low hanging fruit!


Link below shows how many arrested, related documentation of each arrest and number of children saved!!/vizhome/PedoArrests/PedoArrests


4700+ CEO resignations world wide





Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.3116528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6588



Anti-Trump Georgetown professor goes on profane tirade against Kavanaugh, GOP


An anti-Trump professor at Georgetown University went on a profanity-laced Twitter rant against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who has been accused of committing a sexual assault as a teen.


Dr. Carol Christine Fair is an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown, according to the school’s website.


Fair referred to “Kreepy Kavanaugh” as a “perjurer” and a “rapist” on her verified Twitter account, adding that “nothing has changed since Anita Hill.”


Fair also said the “GOP doesn’t care about women. We knew this. F— them.” In another tweet about Kavanaugh, Fair referred to the GOP as “pro-rape, pro-pederasty, pro-perjury, pro-corruption, pro-Russian hacking, pro-child trafficking, pro-white male supremacy, pro-VERY-late-term abortion of children with AR-15’s … a f—ing death cult” and “filthy swine.”


Fair told Fox News late Thursday that the tweets came from her personal account. “I do not follow my students' social media feeds and I do not ask them their opinions about contemporary politics in class.”


She added: “I devote a considerable amount of time helping my students get jobs even when they explain to me that their political leanings differ from my own. I maintain a healthy set of contacts of all political persuasions on LinkedIn for the exclusive use of my students. I do not ask my students about their politics before helping them with their job search.”


Describing her teaching methods, she said: “My exams are empirical and fact-based. There are appeals processes should a student feel aggrieved in my assessments. I have been teaching since 2009 and I have never been accused of being unfair to students nor has any student challenged a grade.”


“Professor Christine Fair should remember that she has Republican students in her classes,” Amelia Irvine, a Georgetown student who is co-president of Network of Enlightened Women and president of Love Saxa, told Campus Reform. “Is she accusing them of hating women as well? I think Fair would be hard pressed to call herself unbiased in the classroom when she’s spewing hate like an immature teenager online.”


“F— Trump and f— you for voting for him,” Fair wrote on Tumblr. “What AMAZES me about Trumpanzees … apart from the fact that they are a bunch of Xphobic, women-hating, white supremacist, whiney-ass snowflakes who love a criminal traitor …”


On Tumblr, Fair has also dubbed MAGA hats “socially-acceptable Klan hoods that say ‘I heart White-Male-Christian Supremacy.’”


A Georgetown spokesperson told Fox News in a statement that Fair’s private views do not reflect the views of the university.


“While Georgetown is committed to free speech and expression, we do not approve or endorse every statement made by our faculty members,” the statement read.

Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.3116573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6616

Report Hits Out At YouTube Calling It A Breeding Ground For Rightwing Radicalism


A new Data & Society report hits out at YouTube, and a hand full of personalities, in particular, calling them an "alternative influence network" that is a breeding ground for rightwing radicalism. The report is more of a scathing hit piece that lashes out at a particular 60 or so YouTubers as being part of this "alternative influence network" that is spreading rightwing radicalism. Among the names mentioned in the report as being in this network of far-rightwingers are Joe Rogan and Dave Rubin, an openly gay liberal. The left is even going after its own leftwingers too who haven't confirmed to the traditional thought structure or aren't towing the party line.


So let's take a look at this report and what mainstream media outlets like The Guardian are saying about it. The report is titled "Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube" by Researcher Rebecca Lewis and "presents data from approximately 65 political influencers across 81 channels to identify the 'Alternative Influence Network' (AIN); an alternative media system that adopts the techniques of brand influencers to build audiences and "sell" their political ideology." First of all, I think "sell" is a poor term because no one is going to YouTube, a leftwing company, and saying 'here, take my money and let me get some of that far-rightwing radicalization please."


The political censorship of Alex Jones isn't enough for the far-left SJWs, they want the 65 channels named in their report demonetized and banned from the platform as well. There is only one reason for this attack, they are upset they are losing this culture war and deep down they know that censorship isn't the answer and it leads to nothing good.

Anonymous ID: 4b698b Sept. 20, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.3116601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6692

Democrats consider a stunning new strategy against Kavanaugh – even if he’s confirmed


Congressional Democrats issued a threat about what they would do if Republicans are able to get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court, and the midterms push the House of Representatives into the Democrat’s column.


Here’s what they said


Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.) said that Democrats would investigate accusations of perjury against Brett Kavanaugh even if he was confirmed to the Supreme Court.


“If they ramrod this nomination through, and we win the majority, we can still investigate this on the House side, and certainly the question as to whether a Supreme Court justice committed perjury is something you could look at,” Swalwell threatened.


“Hopefully it doesn’t come to that,” he added, “hopefully they do this right.”


“Because,” he concluded, “it’s going to get investigated either way and it would be better not to have to investigate a sitting judge.”


Swalwell had made headlines Thursday when he mocked Senator Susan Collins (R-Me.) over threats that were being made against her because of the Kavanaugh decision. He eventually deleted the offending tweet and apologized.


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) agreed with the stunning strategy.


“You can’t ignore a crime victim’s claim that something happened,” Whitehouse said on CNN, “refuse to investigate, throw her up into the stand without the least bit of support for her, without the least bit of effort to corroborate what she says and then walk away from that.”