Anonymous ID: 2f196e Sept. 20, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3117349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q-tip: as pressing as the mid-terms are in terms of priority, it would be advantageous for POTUS to start sketching out his vision for the second half of his first term. Beyond the wall.


In particular, have him start talking about encouraging American entrepreneurship. Talk about the benefits and advantages to small, local communities when people find a need and fill it, and make a good living doing so.


Bringing back industrial capacity is vital – we understand – but that's not possible for many rural communities or small towns. Emphasizing and supporting entrepreneurial education and training speaks to POTUS' populist base and undermines the corporatist/globalist message.


Also, if you want to jump-start Tax Cuts Part II, have Trump float a lowering of the Self-Employment Tax. That's as populist as you could ask for. Just sayin'.