Anonymous ID: 7c4007 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.3117162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7188


i was the rant last bread at the end of last bread about my shrink appointment and him trying to tell me to calm down and not yell.

I felt so empowered having the knowledge I have no matter what he says about my perceptions, telling him if I couldn't fully express myself in a shrinks office then where can ppl express themselves their way, get it out, not constrained by someone elses predetermined parameters.

I've had it! if I hear bullshit I'm saying something. I

I'm experiencing a strange separation anxiety as if I'll be leaving the board but I sense it's time as I mentioned in previous bread. to turn my efforts homeward to Canada. I am grateful for the things I've learned about what's been going on in US, I know and I knew when I started here, that was the correct 'sequence' (<for Q)😁 to have the information and knowledge of what they do and who they are to then hunt down the bastards here in Canada. I still have so much bookmarked from these digs, I'll likely find stuff on Canada in there too