Anonymous ID: 96f92a Sept. 20, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.3117230   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3116590 (lb)

I think Q is about justice, no matter what group.

Q probably wouldn't divide us by sheltering jewish cabal members from receiving justice.

It's important to research how groups operate.

The individuals of the group have a very miniscule responsibility for the "crimes of the group" and the "benefits of the group".


These cattle are being herded.

By whom?

To what ends?

It is important to research how the Cabal uses each and every group, for they all have unique ways to be exploited.

If we didn't research how the cabal infiltrates and exploits Group: Jewish, it would be extremely irresponsible.

This would allow Jewish Cabal members to escape justice.

Furthermore, it would not be fair to the overwhelming majority of good, stand-up Jewish citizens world-wide, as one of, if not THE most important group that they belong to would run a very real risk of not being cleansed of Cabal members.

Imagine if the dust settles, and every other group world-wide has cleaned nearly all Cabal members from their ranks, but one group is still infested.

You would NOT want to be part of that group.

It would be terrifying.