Anonymous ID: bd9a8c Sept. 20, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.3116974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3113742 (pt)

>>3114066 (pt)

Difficult to vote out Democrats in Delaware. Usually unknown or inexperienced Republican opponent provided. This mid-term many democrats running unopposed so know they are already voted in since primary. Don't understand - with all the Evangelicals and Pro-life Catholics in Delaware we should be able to vote in pro-life Republicans and should have voted Trump in. State was in the black with huge surplus after last Republican governor, then Democrats got in and spent surplus and put us permanently in the red. Any extra money found is given to teachers. Real estate taxes have almost tripled for us in the last 15 years. Unpopular bills are voted on in midnight sessions with little notice.