Anonymous ID: a25b16 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.3117814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found something kinda odd…


So the file name of the pic was jumping out at me…2165 when mirrored is 5612…so maybe 05-06-12?


>So I google news for that date and find this:

<Sounds like some cabal fuckery and/or sabotage with the jets.


>Then I google the F-22 and obviously this just happened last week:

<Alaska…like wasn't something missile-ly shot up from over dere fairly recently or something???


>So for kicks and giggles, I want to know the manufacturer of the F-22…turns out to be LOCKHEED.

<What swamp rat do we know that used to work for Lockheed?



Weird…almost like Q is implying connections to some spoopy things or…?