Anonymous ID: 898ca8 Sept. 20, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.3118695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734


you assume. unless u were on the mission you don't know. ur bias is preconceived from a notion u picked up from somewhere… whether deceptive or not.


idk about apollo missions. I do not have enuf info to aggravate that data. I wasnt there. I wasnt there for the moon landings. I didnt "go" with BUZZ A.


science has been so fucked with it's hard to know what is real…or it is real but the main figure heads of science interpretations of it are false or misleading. gravity vs electric magnetic force vs ….


I suspect the cia killed JFK. maybe the driver shot him in the head. idk I wasnt there.


I dont know if the earth is flat or round, I have never been high enuf to see it. nor have I asked any of my friends in those fields to show me pics… but then again, I never asked them to…


my sense of self wont be shattered if it is a sphere or flat. I really don't care… how does that info help/hurt me or Humanity? we r here & that's what matters. making whatever this place better should be the main objective of our species.


my point is:


everyone here has been influenced by someone/thing on these topics. maybe yt vid/online website/etc but none of us were there.


at some point ppl but their trust into something/one. Maybe their friends/neighbors/yt vids … someone they trust that have been influenced by someone else but none of us know 100% the truth in all of these things. we r relying on "facts" someone else orchestrated to "teach/manipulate" us into believing what they have been manipulated in or are nefarious individuals trying to deceive us… lol.. and then u can go down another rabbit w/ the fact that you cant trust ur own eyes 100% either lol.. easiest things to fool… & peer reviews r only as good as the integrity of the person reviewing it & considering their biases. xD


as for me, I would like to know the History of the universe & everything in it. but I wont shed any tears over something I thought was real but turns out not to be. my beliefs in historical events arent my identity. they dont define me.. they are just theories that are there to be tested: renewed, rejected, or improved upon … but my world wont shatter like some of u powder puffs.

Anonymous ID: 898ca8 Sept. 20, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.3118925   🗄️.is 🔗kun


u could have just said statistical probability.




but I agree w/ wat u wrote.


idk about moon landings but I'll find out next week.. maybe tomorrow. {: when I was in hs I took Space as an elective. we did calculations and such… I wanted to explore … I always star gazed since I can remember & I was certain that there had to be life out there. kek.. as a 4th grader I contemplated these things…. funny thing is, as I grew up I never thought about the moon, only the stars. For the past year, I now look up at the moon & wonder wtf it is & the interesting photos of maybe things on it.


I've only worked on things in near geosyn orbit for sat comms