Anonymous ID: 0dc32d Sept. 21, 2018, 12:36 a.m. No.3119302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hurts, doesn't it? To be called out for what you are.


Drop that stupid fucking slogan. You don't know more than anybody else. The fact that you keep clinging onto a slogan marks you as an idiot.


No true anon is beholden to them. They create in the moment, for the moment. Unless they're true masters, trying to bring attention to previous times…but you're not. You're just trying to bring attention to yourself, and it's fucking embarrassing.


One day, you'll tell you're grandchildren about the part you played, and if they smart, got lucky and got more genes from the parts married in, they'll shut the fuck up and say their grandpappy was there, but didn't really say anything.