Anonymous ID: 15ffef Sept. 21, 2018, 4:13 a.m. No.3119541   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Prediction for what Ford has planned next week:


She is going to play an AI generated video of Kavanaugh being naughty, disguised as having come from a vintage camcorder, and/or photographs that have been doctored.


They are not going to give this up, they are deeply afraid of losing abortion in such a neurotic way it HAS TO be the root of their power. Satan probably hands them a LOT as a result of them keeping abortion legal. It is not just a matter of ideology, the way the Dems cling to it clearly indicates it is more than just politics, there is something supernatural - a disturbance of the order that they benefit from - that originates in America's abortion clinics.




I don't believe Ford's story is true in any form at all. However, she's got a new problem. One of Kavanaugh's classmates looked just like Kavanaugh and the party Ford describes matches this classmate's house. That means Kavanaugh could not have possibly been there, according to the rest of Ford's story.

Her story is crap anyway, even if a case of "mistaken identity" is what actually happened.


Ford is just protecting abortion industry profits and satanic spell casting activities with this crap against Kavanaugh. If the "elite" lose satanic support after such a huge source material for blood sacrifices vanishes their entire house of cards might fall. I'd bet every single aborted baby secretly receives a name at the time of the abortion that is used in a ritual soon after. They'd have to name them to identify exactly which one was being referred to during the ritual.

Anonymous ID: 15ffef Sept. 21, 2018, 4:17 a.m. No.3119559   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Two foreign governments told Trump Not to release the investigation documents >>


My comment: Trump called them allies. And they likely were involved in the fake memo. That would make them NOT ALLIES. If they were involved in undermining Trump, it is war material. Trump needs to tell them to stick it and release everything, UNREDACTED, NOW.


But the DOJ is obstructing. The deep state is in rebellion. And there's little doubt an AI is playing chess against the American people with this, there's no way people are concocting this level of subversion. Trump would be winning if this game was real. It probably is not. It is too well balanced with the rage ratio, always calculating the max, right up to the edge without going over.


There will be no document release. The new line is: There is nothing new to be known in the documents anyway, people already have heard the whole story, so why release the documents? Obviously if someone does not want the documents released, we have not heard the whole story. If we heard the whole story, there would be no reason to NOT release the documents. Once again, the American people get SCREWED. By a deep state that refused to follow orders. It is perfectly clear that only a civil war is going to fix this. They have served it up on the most prominent billboard in town: If you want change, COME AND GET US.

Anonymous ID: 15ffef Sept. 21, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.3119582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9594 >>9621



Are people really as dumb as shit to believe that we are the only sentient Beings in the Universe? IF this level of red pilling by Q and Medvedev is 'too much' for people you shouldn't be here.


What the fuck does anyone think that Groom Lake is all about (Area 51)? Playing with playdough?

Anonymous ID: 15ffef Sept. 21, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.3119603   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I knew the Pentagon created a Satanic symbol with horns and everything, but I didn't realize that the roads around the WH did the same.


That is interesting when it comes to energies. It means that Trump is using the force that this configuration has created and reversed the flow from bad to good. The more momentum Trump gets the more the force of evil becomes a immense force for good. So much so , that it will completely destroy the evil.