Anonymous ID: 778ab9 Sept. 21, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.3119838   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Eye of Ra Right eye of Egyption God Horus


Horus Falcon-headed Egyption God Falcon > SpaceX Rocket Name"


Ancient Ra was the sun god - right eye. Later that merged with the god Horus (left eye), as Ra-Horakhty "Ra, who is Horus of the Two Horizons.” He was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. He was associated with the falcon or hawk. See also Amenhotep IV, renamed Akhenaten (King Tut’s father), and the construction of Amarna. History repeats, we have been through this before (Illuminati ‘all seeing eye’). Past unlocks future.


"Eye of Horus, underworld, Illuminati, cabal, triumverate - they have many names.


Horus, son of Isis, grew up in secrecy determined to avenge the death of his father Osiris. When he grew up, Horus challenged his uncle Seth who slew Osiris. The violent fight, where Horus lost one eye, lasted until the assembly of the gods declared the throne to Horus. Seth was ordered to replace Horus' eye. But to honor the memory of Osiris, Horus offered the recovered falcon-eye to his father, and covered his wound with a serpent, Uraeus. Ever since, the serpent has been considered the emblem of the Egyptian pharaohs. Osiris transferred his power to his son Horus, and retired to become god of the underworld. Horus became the new king of Egypt, ruling under the sun-god Re."


When a person has a left black eye, it means that they have submitted to and have been accepted by the cabal / the Satanists.


Do the high visibility people who suddenly have a black eye have anything to do with this? Usually the left one?


Rule over Earth, sky and the underworld: cult symbol for cabal ‘all seeing eye.’ Ancient Egypt Osiris/Set - SpaceX Iridium launch: ‘Falcon Heavy,’ ‘Saturn 5.’ Hussein Obama’s ring - Isis, wife of Osiris. Falcon is the symbol of the eye/Egyptian pharoahs, Saturn is symbolic of the underworld.


When a person has a left black eye, it means that they have submitted to and have been accepted by the cabal / the Satanists.


The cabal clings to and flaunts their cult symbols openly; it’s their tell, hiding in plain sight.


Now we know who belongs to the cabal (photos saved on the internet.)


They will be held to account. Justice will be done.


Amarna abandoned, Babel fell, good always overcomes evil.

Anonymous ID: 778ab9 Sept. 21, 2018, 5:31 a.m. No.3119874   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The entire satellite industry was funded and created by tax money. Elon Musk like all the tech billionaires did not invest their money for all that 40 years of r and d and contracts, Google didn't build the internet that made them billionaires, Apple didn't develope the technology that allowed the computers and the internet.

They all only exist because of tax money invested by the government for weapons and air planes and space exploration.


NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?