Anonymous ID: a01989 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.3119334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9343 >>9344 >>9350


>William Tompkins


If you accept that Q meant it when he said we aren't alone, and you're ready for a 3+ hour rabbit hole, then I highly recommend checking it out.


I've watched it twice now. It was interesting enough to buy his book, but I didn't find that as enjoyable as his interviews. His credentials (US Navy, Douglas Aircraft, NASA) have been vetted by several researchers.


His role at NASA and on the Apollo program involved engineering the detailed checkout procedures that go into launches. At one point in the interview, he talks about the detailed plan for first contact. For me it very much resonated with the plan that Q speaks of. Coincidentally, Tompkins died suddenly in August of last year (on the day of the eclipse), Q appeared shortly after that, and it makes me wonder whether Tompkins might have had an advisory role in the plan that we are seeing unfold in front of us.


Here's a big collection of interviews and articles about him: