Anonymous ID: c658ea Sept. 21, 2018, 5:23 a.m. No.3119821   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's everywhere:


SELinux has been integrated into Linux distributions that have been evaluated against the Labeled Security Protection Profile. Information about validated products and products in evaluation can be found at


And has access to everything:


The architecture provides fine-grained controls over many kernel abstractions and services that are not controlled by other systems. Some of the distinctive characteristics of the Security-enhanced Linux system are:


Clean Separation of Policy from Enforcement

Well-Defined Policy Interfaces

Independent of Specific Policies and Policy Languages

Independent of Specific Security Label Formats and Contents

Individual Labels and Controls for Kernel Objects and Services

Caching of Access Decisions for Efficiency

Support for Policy Changes

Controls over Process Initialization and Inheritance and Program Execution

Controls over File Systems, Directories, Files, and Open File Descriptions

Controls over Sockets, Messages, and Network Interfaces

Controls over Use of "Capabilities"