Anonymous ID: cd0b4e Sept. 21, 2018, midnight No.3119114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9507 >>9628

Did anyone catch this on /pol/ earlier? "Pentagon Insider"



>On 9/11

WTC were built to be collapsed by an air plane from the very beginning

Planes were guided into the buildings using a transmitter/auto pilot

Cheney made a call as things progressed to have the second plane hit the WTC off Auto Pilot to make it look more realistic. This is why it's flight path was worse

All surveillance footage of the Pentagon was scrubbed because if videos showed the flight path it would have been obvious it was on Auto Pilot to a transmitter

Could not have possibly been a missile- people would have seen the missile from the highway

4th plane was grounded because Russia started tracking it- we didn't want to give them any more intel about the operation

Mossad installed bombs in WTC, to ensure that the fell. First tower went down with only a push due to the plane landing in a good spot

Second tower went down entirely by the bombs



Hillary set up her unsecured server at the behest of someone else, this is why she was never prosecuted for it (we already know this, jail time for HRC would have meant jail time for the entire Obama Admin/Cabinet)

She is not a boss but someone who just takes orders


>On Geopolitics

Most geopolitics is a slow chess game where certain alliances make moves for their benefit

For example, the Military Intelligence alliance chose to use Brexit and Trump as counters to EU/Obama-era liberalism and One World Government

9/11 was chosen for symbolism and planned for a long time (See the McFly code), but there is no extra-human power that obsesses with numbers, it's just to keep the "magic" alive for rank-and-file.

Overall goal of most geopolitical moves right now is to weaken Russia. "Russia frustrates plans"

>Many "endgame" plans to consolidate alliances. None pretty.

>Best hope is that "underweights" alliance connected to Trump feel like "endgame" do no good for them, and dismantle