Anonymous ID: 059ae0 Sept. 21, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.3120153   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>They very reason some anons need to have "Q" tell them "what is" proves they haven't done their own work; and they need to rely on authority "the teacher"

>Tht in itself is a lesson, people who studied it already know it wasn't a big Boeing. It's important to distinguish between what you know because you yourself studied it and learned it / from what you know because someone told you.

>It's fine to get evidence from sources but you yourself are the ultimate source / eyewitness.

Important lesson indeed. Saw plenty of slides on this yesterday. "Give me 100% truth on a silver platter or I call bullshit!" This is exactly what the 'cabal/elite/whatever you want to call them' has been feeding on for decades - apathy & ego gratification.

>Happy Equinox. Autumn! 4th Quarter. buckle up.

You too anon!

Anonymous ID: 059ae0 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.3120472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0534


Thanks. First time watching these guys. A bit too corny for me, but they do seem to have an audience - 37k views in 3 days ain't too shabby for a topic so shunned. Fritz's research def deserves more eyes.


Key point they raised in the graphic. Understand this and everything else is color by numbers.


One criticism - this "Deep State" term has all of a sudden become a catch-all for everything from DSA pawns in fed gov to illuminati witches. Understand why POTUS doesn't care for the term, even though he knows that just by mentioning it, he drawing attention.

That's good branding.