Anonymous ID: d086c7 Sept. 21, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.3119898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9907 >>9912 >>0019 >>0021 >>0119

>>3119810 (lb)

don't be so hard on yourself anon -

heres just some lil advice :) - from my own experience


  1. get off any and all drugs - i know gay - but it really is the best thing ive done for myself, i feel so much happier and get so much more involved. im not afraid anymore


  1. write - i know gay - but it helps - about anything and everything - and everyday too. make sure you do like 3 pages - even if you fill it up with just crap like what you ate or whining, youll find you eventually start writing about your stresses and they actually go away, and the desires you write about actually start to come true -

i know this sounds absolutely crazy - i was skeptic at first too and i couldnt believe it when about a month in i started seeing the changes, massive changes


sorry for being irrelevant i just feel its important to help all our fellow anons in hard times <3 show them theres people out there that care

Anonymous ID: d086c7 Sept. 21, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.3120021   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3119907 You reminded me anon -

I forgot the 3rd thing and probably the most important! FAITH!


We are so far away from it these days most have forgotten how important it is, let alone what it really means!


A great example is the whole jump and the net will catch you metaphor - I always thought of faith as: have faith the net will catch you and if it does great! but also have faith that if the net doesn't catch you, you will also be okay - it's not hope, it's not trust - but faith that you will be okay either way.


To have faith in yourself, in others, in the future - faith that things will get better, faith that we can trust others, faith that we ourselves can do better/get better - it's so important!


you don't have to be religious to have faith.

it has enlightened my whole life.

Anonymous ID: d086c7 Sept. 21, 2018, 6:17 a.m. No.3120077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0511


amen - been seeing someone for 5 years - even though i went through 4 different psychs before i got one i liked - so worth it! I know half the stuff I have managed to change would not have been without their help