Anonymous ID: 178bd7 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.3120822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0909

Reposting for those who may have missed it.

>>3120326 l.b.


>>3120517 YURI!


>This isn't Republican versus Democrat or Capitalist versus Communist.

>This is Ideological Subversion.

>This is about Freedom versus Totalitarianism.

Completely agree. Great posts.

That NYT comment is awesome. Can't believe they kept it on the site.

>I'll even add a 7th pillar: Gender Identity

Yes, also good to understand how this pillar is also being used to create weaponized assets. Serena Williams is one example. "Chelsea" Manning another. The "chick" who shot up the Rite Aid center in Aberdeen yesterday could be another.