Anonymous ID: 345d43 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:58 a.m. No.3120950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1061 >>1088 >>1195

So I'm an anon who doesn't believe in the apollo landings or anything nasa has shown us. Many of you would erroneously call me a FEtard, which is fine, I do reject a lot of measurements and distances of things they feed us in the textbooks. I am not locked into any one particular worldview by any means. I tend to lean more towards inter dimensional "others" rather than little green men on ships from afar BUT in the interest of sharing information even if it contradicts your own worldview…I have to concede something to the….(thinking of something derogatory to say) wilcock fagots around here.


I'm an Arizona anon who works outside. My eyes are always scanning the skys. I've seen a fucking buttload of strange UFOS in my life here in the desert. The majority of these have been really bright 'stars' that are stationary, but then all of a sudden traverse a certain distance and then pause again. That is a fairly common occurrence, I would say I see 5 to 10 of these a year. Others have included weird white cigar shaped, slow moving missile type objects that always seem to head towards huge cloud formations.


Never had an explanation for these things. WANDERING STARS INDEED.


I've also had a recurring dream for my entire life about a sky event that involves all manner of lights and spirals showing up across the entire panorama with people on the ground suddenly all looking up and pointing. Seem to have some version of that dream happen to me yearly, most of the time I am in a weird dream location (you know how your dreams tend to combine features of different places overlaid over some main location you;ve spent a lot of time in like a childhood home or past place of residence???) facing WEST when I look up and point.


Weird shit. Anyone else seen a lot of UFOS or wandering stars???


Kind of tired of arguing with people over space vs dome or heliocentric vs geocentric. We are all trapped here regardless and I think anyone who has spent any decent amount of time outside has probably seen some kind of weird shit happen up there.

Anonymous ID: 345d43 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.3121049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077




land of OZ

land of black suit operatives and all manner of evil undisclosed shit that has barely even leaked into the consciousness of the internet in 2018 yet


fuck is really going on over there??? reminds me of NK, in a way. an isolated place you hear stories about

Anonymous ID: 345d43 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.3121115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hearing so many stories about stabbings. A fucking daycare center??? seriously???? Anons should invest in some swat cop mace look up FOX 5.3 and do NOT order it from amazon. Go buy somewhere local where you can trust it hasn't been fucked with