Anonymous ID: 3a89d1 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.3120982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1145



Confirmation here that Christine Blasey Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey, was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, MD. All-male, huh? That should set off the feminazis. Also, Brett Kavanaugh's father Ed has also been an active member of that golf club, so both families' kids likely knew each other.


Power elite of suburban Washington split over Kavanaugh allegations


Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and accuser Christine Blasey Ford both come from well-known families in the D.C. suburbs.



| 09/17/2018 08:44 PM EDT


Christine Blasey Ford threw a Supreme Court confirmation into turmoil with her decision to step forward with sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh — but she also broke the delicate social code of the affluent Maryland suburbs where they both grew up.


Their families have traveled for decades in the same prep school and country-club circles, populated by Washington power players — including plenty of lawyers, lobbyists and government officials whose shared goal is to avoid public embarrassment.


Now both Ford and Kavanaugh are set to testify publicly before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 24 about Ford’s claim that as teens, Kavanaugh held her down and forcibly tried to remove her clothes, covering her mouth to muffle her screams, at a house party.


High school friends and classmates have stepped forward to defend Kavanaugh, including in a letter circulated late last week, while the head of Ford’s alma mater issued a statement of support for her after she identified herself in a Washington Post interview on Sunday.


Interviews with a dozen people who have lived or attended school or churches in Bethesda and surrounding towns, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity, paint a picture of a tight-knit community still focused on the parochial dimensions of the scandal.


“What’s tragic is you have two well liked-families in this area,” said a friend of Kavanaugh’s from the community.


Ford attended the elite Holton-Arms School at the time she alleges that Kavanaugh, who attended the equally elite Georgetown Preparatory School, attacked her. While Ford now lives in California, where she’s a research psychologist, Kavanaugh has remained in the Washington area, establishing himself as a prominent Republican lawyer and judge. His wife, Ashley, is the Chevy Chase town manager.


Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey, was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, where Kavanaugh’s father, Ed — former president of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, a trade group — has also been an active member, according to a member of the club. Burning Tree declined to discuss its membership.


The families crossed paths in other ways: Kavanaugh’s mother, a former circuit judge in Montgomery County, Md., heard a foreclosure case in 1996 involving the Blaseys’ home, dismissing the case and barring the lender from revisiting the issue — allowing the couple to stay put.


Claims that were dismissed by many as vague last week, before Ford stepped forward, gained new credibility “now that she has come out and has a name,” according to one Bethesda resident — and were the only topic of conversation at the Whole Foods checkout on River Road on Sunday night.


Some who know both of the people involved said they weren’t sure what to do with their divided sympathies.


“Brett Kavanaugh is as good a person as you’re ever going to find,” said an attorney who grew up in Bethesda and knows Kavanaugh as well as some of Ford’s siblings. Of the Blaseys, he said, “They’re a great, nice family. In other words, you’re not going to be able to demonize this woman effectively. … They have an excellent reputation.”


By Monday, 200 alumnae of Holton were circulating a draft letter in support of her. The letter calls her account of being accosted by Kavanaugh “all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton.”


It followed last week’s letter in support of Kavanaugh, issued before Ford identified herself and signed by 65 people who said they’d known the Supreme Court nominee since high school.


For Jim Zogby, who put five children through the area’s Catholic schools in the 1980s, including a son who attended Kavanaugh’s alma mater Georgetown Prep, the reaction to Ford’s allegations repeats a pattern he has observed over decades, with an “in crowd” rallying members “to defend one of their own.”


[more at link]