Anonymous ID: 4a8830 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.3120856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0912


CGI don't come with sound at street level jackoff…

I'm not justifying anything else you have to offer after wasting my time with just that…

Get a life and go outside once in a while.

I watched it (and heard it) happen from rooftop across the harbor…

Calling me a liar does not make you any more intelligent…

Anonymous ID: 4a8830 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.3121014   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Video being manipulated does not mean plane did not impact.

I never said you were wrong about video except that CGI was not a street level production.

I did however once point out that at that time in 2001 video was comprised of frames that are interleaved and can cause distortion and glitching when motion occurs.

And I have not watched and rewatched videos of that day, seeing people jump to death in person was enough for me.

I have however posted photos of the towers that you can see thru nearly transparent with sun behind. They have been reused a lot here. That proves there were no obstructions in the floors to stop anything from shooting out the other side. Only center columns had any resistance to an aircraft passing thru…

Now I need to start my duty at work, so I am checking out.

Google "video frame overlay and effect" and see if that explains whatever you are seeing as video fuckery. If not no problem, but I am not personally ever watching any more videos about it without copious amounts of drinking.
