Anonymous ID: 63ec7c Sept. 21, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.3121222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1264 >>1269 >>1356 >>1369



Honestly the only truly retarded thing Q has ever said was when he implied that the truth is too big for Autists to handle.

There is quite literally nothing conceivable that I wouldn't want to know / couldn't handle, up to and including that everything I am perceiving is an illusion because it turns out my consciousness is just vibrations coming from a motor in some ET's microwave oven.


Q occasionally really shows how out of touch they really are to how Autists really work.

He seems to largely play to the normie-anon reddit crowd who are smart enough to follow along, but not Autistic enough to burn their worldview to the ground at a moments notice if something more interesting or credible comes along.

Anonymous ID: 63ec7c Sept. 21, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.3121317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1369


No, I can't find it at the moment but recently he specifically referred to Autists / anons not being able to handle things.

It spurred quite the reaction at the time, lots of anons similarly saying it was horse shit.