Anonymous ID: c94197 Key Allies Sept. 21, 2018, 8 a.m. No.3120975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0995 >>1002 >>1074 >>1330



I listened to POTUS's conversation with Hannity last night in which he related the fact that he received phone calls from 2 different allies asking that he not release the FISA documents.


What is particularly interesting is that there are 2 allied nations who were involved in trying to bring down the President in a criminal CONSPIRACY. What kind of audacity on their part to call POTUS and say,"We tried to bring you down with the FISA abuse, but please don't release these details to the rest of America."


So, these supposed "allies" have worked to subvert our election, but POTUS should not release these facts to those of us who voted for him?! WTF?


If we examine the Q drops, this would be FVEY countries and likely the UK and AUS. As an observer of MI5/6, all of this "Russian Collusion" sounds like a British operation. And lacking the complete thoroughness of what an "intelligence" service should know about a target, the Pee Pee on the percales is laughable to those of us who have spent 5 minutes looking into the personal habits of DJT - they guy is a clean and neat freak. It's so far out of character for him.


IMO, POTUS should release the unredacted documents and let the chips fall where they may. These supposed allies have damaged the USA to a degree that is unimaginable. Hell, my kids don't talk to me because they believe the MSM and this fake "dossier." If it brings down the UK government, so be it. Theresa May is fucking her own people over Brexit. Time for them to clean their own houses.


So, Q, my opinion is for POTUS to declassify and post on the White House website and say Fuck You to the deep state and to British Intelligence. Time for everyone to clean house.