Anonymous ID: 26cf32 Sept. 21, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.3121894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1970

Bark being stripped off Blasey Ford…


WTF with PGA tour…


Where is that popcorn meme!


"“This is a joke. She (Blasey Ford) is absolutely unreliable as a witness. And tonight all over the country, PGA golf tour members are talking about her,” former prosecutor and Clinton critic Joseph diGenova said on Laura Ingraham’s show on September 20, 2018. He didn’t explain further, but it wasn’t the only PGA/Christine Ford comment he made on the program.


“I can only tell you this. There is more news coming out every day about Dr. Ford,” diGenova claimed on the show. “The Washington Post is doing a biography on her right now. And in the course of doing so, they contacted, at her request, members of the PGA tour. One of whom told the Post, ‘I don’t think you really want to talk to me.'” The comment was not further explained. Profiles on Christine Ford have tended to describe her as an avid surfer but haven’t mentioned golf. However, her father, Ralph Blasey, “was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda,” Politico reported."