Anonymous ID: 2ff7e4 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.3121729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1816 >>1864

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 —– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 —- Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Cap: >>3121219 )

>>3121040 (lb)


>"You heard it here first:

"DECLAS" will be a nothingburger.

Temper your enthusiasm boys. Nobody is exposing anything about the cabal unitl 2019 assuming Democrats dont take the House.

(If dems take the House this is all over)

If Q team had cards to play it would have been in time for the mid terms and it is too late for that now."


Think of what you're saying, anon…

If there's a NOTHING THERE… we wouldn't be having this

level of stonewalling.