Anonymous ID: 4710c3 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.3121503   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1724 >>1766



4m4 minutes ago




Senator Feinstein and the Democrats held the letter for months, only to release it with a bang after the hearings were OVER - done very purposefully to Obstruct & Resist & Delay. Let her testify, or not, and TAKE THE VOTE!


Donald J. Trump




Verified account





1m1 minute ago




Senator Feinstein and the Democrats held the letter for months, only to release it with a bang after the hearings were OVER - done very purposefully to Obstruct & Resist & Delay. Let her testify, or not, and TAKE THE VOTE!


POTUS re-did it to eliminate extra SPACE.



Anonymous ID: 4710c3 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.3121511   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1519 >>1522 >>1693


"You may not have read about this GOP victory, because the liberal national media is not exactly excited to report that Republicans reclaimed a seat they had not held in 139 years."


"โ€ฆthis victory is even more frightening because the district is 73 percent African-American and Hispanic."


Read carefully - significant!







Anonymous ID: 4710c3 Sept. 21, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.3121538   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1583

The big choices in this 17-county border district were:


Right to life versus tax-paid abortion. As Catholics, many Hispanic voters simply wonโ€™t vote for liberals who are for tax-paid abortions. Of course, every Democrat who is campaigning for free government-run health care is campaigning for tax-paid abortion.


Safe borders versus dangerous gangs. As Patrick explained, โ€œmost law-abiding Hispanics support controlling the border, stopping criminals and keeping their community safe from gangs like MS-13.โ€ He pointed out that he campaigned four years ago on repealing the sanctuary city law in Texas and got about 50 percent of the Hispanic vote. Floresโ€™s own campaign website clearly states: โ€œOur borders must be secure, and our communities must be safe. โ€ฆ We will make Texas borders secure and a bad place to be for criminals and gangs. We are and must remain a state where the rule of law reigns.โ€


Gun rights versus gun control. Many Hispanic voters strongly support the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. They distrust and oppose liberals who want to have government control their guns.


Local rule versus centralized bureaucracy. Most Hispanic voters favor smaller government, lower taxes, and more community rather than Washington controls (or Austin controls in this case).


Work versus welfare. There is a strong work ethic in the Hispanic community, and the job-creating power of the Trump system is being admired and applauded. Currently having the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in history is a real asset for Republicans in the 2018 campaign.


Matt Walter, the president of the Republican State Leadership Committee, noted that this was the 38th Republican special election victory this year โ€“ more than the Democrats have won. This makes you wonder how big the supposed blue wave is going to be if the Democrats keep losing actual elections โ€“ when the people, rather than the media, have a voice.


So every Republican candidate, campaign, professional and activist should look carefully at this Republican victory in Texas. They should realize that election night on Nov. 6 could be an even bigger upset โ€“ with even more shocking and decisive Republican victories โ€“ than election night 2016 was.


This upset can take place:


If we have the courage to make the November midterm a big-choice election.


If we have the courage to campaign on issues that the American people support โ€“ even if the liberal media hates them and despises us for raising them.


If we are willing to go into every neighborhood and every precinct and appeal to every American of every background.


If we are willing to challenge liberal lies and distortions head-on and force the left to admit they are not true.


If we do this at the national level, in the media, and at the local level in each campaign.


If we pick up the big-choice themes that President Trump is beginning to lay out (note his recent rally speech in Montana).


These are the lessons of the great victory in the Texas State Senate District 19 special election. It is not based on a theory. It is based on real victories, in real elections.


Now, we must believe act and fight. Victory in November is there for the earning.

Anonymous ID: 4710c3 Sept. 21, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3122076   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

When the info is released [RR] no more.

When the info is released no more Russia investigation.

It will factually conclude the corrupt nature by which the entire false narrative was created all to 1) prevent the election of POTUS 2) delay/shelter/mask/hide all illegal activities by Hussein/others during past 8 years.

DOJ/FBI cleanse vital as primary.

Huber coming.

These people HATE America.