Anonymous ID: 580ebf Sept. 21, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.3121650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1788



Yes and the point is it is not bigger than autists can imagine, because autists can imagine virtually anything.

That's practically the definition and curse of being one.


I am not spinning, I am saying in this context your semantics are irrelevant.

I am a full throated supporter of Q but I'm not such a retard that I can't admit when he let's a bit of sensationalism slip into the drops.

I'm also not such a retard that I think slipping in the sensationalism means much more than someone like me rolling my eyes and cringing a little bit.


In other words, you are too stupid to understand the problem with what Q said, and too stupid to understand that the problem with what Q said isn't really consequential in any way and isn't a worth irrationally defending across 2 breads.