Anonymous ID: 842e2c Sept. 21, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3121686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1738 >>2036 >>2119

>>3120444 P.B.



BINGO. Golden thread to pull on.

Interesting that Bloomberg has Ralph Blasey Jr. still working for Red Coats at 83 years old as VP of Biz Development. Must be a good company to be a lowly VP at 83 after such a long 'distinguished' career.


Says in NYT that Datawatch is in 3000 buildings nationwide. Wonder how many DC area buildings Red Coats provides a full suite of services for (cleaning & security)? Wonder how many secrets are stored inside those particular buildings?


The longer they push Christine, the deeper we dig into the Blaseys. Have feeling we've only scratched the surface.

Anonymous ID: 842e2c Sept. 21, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3121932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2039


>Ask yourself, why are [2] 'KEY' Allies' VERY CONCERNED re: DECLAS & RELEASE?


>>3121268 Q

>Imagine the information being shared NOW out of FEAR.

Last night on Hannity, POTUS @3:00 –

"We are also dealing with foreign countries that do have a problem! I must tell you that I got calls today from 2 Very Good Allies that said


…so it's not as simple as all that…"