Anonymous ID: c63402 Sept. 21, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.3121814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Love those POTUS Tweets!!

Go get em fellas!!


Meanwhile, I wish to express my thanks and respect to those anons that wear the badge. I 'want' to wear the badge myself, however, forces outside my control make that difficult. In any case, I have to get my Garand out, load 7 and fire them. I lost a friend. He wore the badge. He took a .40 round saving others.

I say this not because I expect you to care what I am doing, but that I wish to remind those of you whom are willing, that life is precious, and we never know when our number is up. The man I honor today was one of these best. Our nation is less today because of his loss. Anons that wear the badge, be careful, but always remember, your community looks up to you for the example of what good is supposed to look like in men and women. This man was loved by his community for doing just that. When I go, if I have half of the respect and honor this man has received, I will have done well.