Anonymous ID: 89bb76 Sept. 21, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3122694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2775

So, the topic is the American revolutionary war. It is often said in conspiracy media and such that this was a fraud perpetrated on the masses by mystery babylon. Freemasons will boast about their role in the revolution and offer that as evidence that they are not such bad people, or that they give people the chance to be free who then squandered and therefore need / deserved to be ruled.


However, nothing could be further from the truth. The revolutionary war was an event where Christians infiltrated the freemasonic cabal in order to turn it against itself and make the revolution possible.


If you read a book like How the Nation Was Won by Lowry you'll find a mountain of evidence about how a very few families labored intensely to create the conditions that would allow the war to be successfully prosecuted. They retreated to the distant frontier to set up iron foundries that would fuel the war effort decades later. They were set upon over and over again by the crown, the secret societies, and literally did their work in hiding - out in the Appalachian hills, locations and purposes concealed, etc.


When the conditions were ripe for revolution, a psy-op was conducted against freemasonry that you now know as the "Illuminati." The idea was simple: because freemasons operate under cloak and dagger, deception, and disinformation campaigns, you can insert one of your own into the order. So the psy-op was created as such: the freemasonic society is going to create a "fake" freedom for the masses in order to quell their growing rebellious nature, that the American revolution can be allowed to succeed because it is part of a larger plot towards tyranny. Furthermore, because freemasons are sworn to protect the lives of other freemasons, by inducting much of the revolutionary officer corp into the society you give them protection against assassination (temporarily, until the psy-op is unraveled) and allow the revolution to have a chance to succeed.


You can tell that is actually what happened because leaders of the revolution were killed later on. George Washington was murdered by his doctor. His kin, Meriwether Lewis (Martha Washington's family, which was the primary source of wealth that funded the revolution) was also assassinated and clearly by what we now know as Skull & Bones (they took part of his skull as a trophy). These sorts of mopping up operations by the masonic cabal in the aftermath of the revolution show you that they realized they had been had by subversion within the ranks and were set out to kill those who had played tricks on them.


You can start to elucidate much about the characters involved in the revolution from that starting point. For example, Thomas Jefferson publicly shilled for the "nothing amiss here" version of Meriwether Lewis's death and proclaimed it a suicide. This, despite the unassailable forensic evidence to the contrary which was known to him: a large chunk of your skull cannot walk away from the scene of its own volition.


As time passes, the masonic cabal starts to shill publicly that the revolution was their idea all along. They promote the "illuminati" as a real society that is taking over the world (to this day) when in fact it was never more than a psy-op meant to make the revolution possible. So not only can you identify traitors like Thomas Jefferson through this information, you know that controlled opposition media that goes on and on about the "illuminati" are just freemasonic fronts.


In short, faced with a real revolution, the cabal is forced into a big coverup operation lest others get wind of the idea of challenging them. Many more would put to death at the hands of the cabal like the whistleblower Captain William Morgan and those who supported the anti-Masonic party in the wake of an assassination spree by the cabal against Americans in the early 19th century, endorsed by a president (Jefferson).


After the life of Jesus, very similar things happened. The freemasons create an alternative story, go on a murdering spree against the original revolutionaries, and seek to co-opt everything to their own purposes. Rumors abound in conspiracy circles about the original Jesus being a Rothschild plant way back in the day, because this is what they always do: destroy the idea that you can fight, that you can do right, and suck the hope out of mankind.


There is abundant hard, objective scientific evidence against their narrative even for the irreligious though like the fact that an Earthquake really did happen when Jesus was put upon the cross.


This sort of thing they hate the most, because the most carefully concealed secret in freemasonry (by the top of the food chain from their foot soldiers) is that God is real and they will fail.

Anonymous ID: 89bb76 Sept. 21, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3122780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We have now, and have had for decades, the ability to construct a space elevator. I suggest you read Paul Birch's essays on the orbital ring design, which is practicable with current (and decades old) technology unlike the only design you see in the fake CIA press (geosynchronous stationary tether). The project would cost less than $500B.


Why is this interesting? With a space elevator in hand, cost to orbit drops to $1-2/kg rather than $20,000/kg via rocket and radically transforms the world. Asteroids with trillions of dollars of minerals? We can get them cheaply and bring the resources back to the surface all of a sudden. Solar power can be used for base load (not subject to weather when put into space above the atmosphere) generating capacity, so we can put an end to geo-strategic interests in the Middle East. You get the idea right? Appropriate infrastructure and the hundreds of trillions of new economic activity it opens up not only obviates concerns like the national debt, it spares us the burdens of wars for control of the reserve currency or petroleum supplies or even rare earth minerals.


If you start doing a little bit of math, you'll find that a solar panel in space produces enough energy to pay for itself in less than 2 years. If you use no concentrating mirrors, the payoff horizon is about 2 years. If you use mirrors (cheap) to concentrate sun on panels (expensive) you can drop this down to less than 6 months.


In other words, the reproduction rate of your most fundamental capital (energy input) in the economy is not less than 50% year over year, but really in excess of 200% done right.


Compare that with a 2-3% GDP growth. The fact of the matter is that a genuine, pro-America shift in policy can EASILY generate 20-30% GDP growth rates.


We can deploy a space elevator in just a couple of years. We can have the national debt paid off by the time Trump leaves office, without ever cutting spending, all while slashing taxes to 0% across the board. It sounds crazy because it is so far removed from the degenerate policies of the present regime, but you know that it isn't. All we've really done here is invoke a simple concept of capitalism: deploy resources in such a way that they generate more than you started with. If you do this well enough, there is no need to loot the taxpayer to fund the government, plus plenty left over to get rid of our debt, clean up the environment, or any number of other worthy causes.


Take from this a fundamental truth about the world: taxation of the people implies incompetency or malevolence on the part of the government. If you spot a politician, or a State Dept speaking head, or a conspiracy theorist host, or any other that would have you believe they speak in the same ballpark as the truth, ask of them: How will you cut my taxes to 0%? If they cannot provide you a concrete pathway (as you have already seen exists), then you know that they are a fraud. Do not trust them, do not follow them. Fight them.