Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3123011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3148 >>3154





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Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.3123030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3052 >>3057 >>3125 >>3141 >>3490 >>3509 >>3563 >>3733

Police: Foreign student pilot had to be dragged from aircraft in criminal attempt to steal a plane


A foreign student pilot was arrested in Florida on Thursday, after allegedly climbing over a barbed-wire-topped fence and boarding a commercial aircraft at Orlando Melbourne International Airport. The 22-year-old has been charged with criminal attempt to steal a plane.

What are the details?


Authorities say that around 2 a.m., part-time aviation management student Nishal Sankat parked his vehicle outside the airport and left it running while he scrambled over the fence near a hangar. He then climbed aboard an American Airlines plane that was undergoing maintenance.


Airport spokesperson Lori Booker told the media that an avionics technician was in the plane’s galley at the time, and saw Sankat’s shadow when the suspect boarded the plane.


“He turned around and said, ‘Who are you? Show me your badge,” Booker reported. She said the employee then told Sankat, “Get on the ground, mister. You’re in trouble.”


The technician then grabbed Sankat and hauled him off the plane with the help of another tech. While one of them held the suspect down, another called the police.


But after being dragged off the plane, Sankat tore away from the employees and darted back toward the plane. He was soon apprehended by police, charged with attempting to steal the jet, and faces criminal trespassing charges and a visa violation.


Sankat is a native of the Caribbean dual-island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, and entered the U.S. through Canada. He has been a student at the Florida Institute of Technology since 2014, has a Florida driver’s license and a commercial pilot’s license. But he is not licensed to fly the Airbus 321 he boarded.


Authorities say the suspect was not armed, but they used a robotic arm to search his vehicle for explosives before having it towed away. Sankat’s home was also searched and his electronics have been confiscated.


The airport returned to normal after five hours, following a sweep of the airfield.


Police are still investigating Sankat’s intentions for boarding the plane, but say that at this time there is no evidence to connect the suspect’s actions with terrorism.

Anything else?


Booker hailed the actions of the airport employees for their quick response to the breach.


“Within two minutes of creating a problem, we stopped this guy from getting in the air,” CBS News reported. “We’re obviously going to review all our security. You can rest assured that we believe that in this instance, our security worked just fine.”

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3123056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3076 >>3084 >>3161 >>3491 >>3501

McConnell: Judge Kavanaugh Will be on The Supreme Court Soon – “We’re Going to Plow Right Through It”


On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said the Republicans are going to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court very soon.


“We’re going to plow right through it,” McConnell said.


Christine Ford has accused–without corroborating evidence–Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a drunken high school pool party decades ago.


Christine Ford thinks she runs the Senate and continues to make outrageous demands–it is an obvious tactic to delay delay delay.


McConnell said to keep the faith…Kavanaugh will be confirmed soon.


PERGRAM: McConnell: In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court…so keep the faith. We’re going to plow right through it.


McConnell: We’re going to wrap up here at the end of the month a lot of our business. We’re going to fund the government. We’re going to have Judge Kavanaugh..Justice Kavanaugh.


Ford was supposed to have given the Senate Judiciary Committee her prepared testimony and biography by Friday morning at 10 AM ET–the deadline has passed and she has not complied.


“Judiciary Cmte had asked that Ford’s documents arrive by 10 am et if she was to testify Monday morning. But they appear willing to give Ford some latitude. GOPers do want to hear from her. Question is whether Grassley is willing to bend,” FOX News Congress reporter Chad Pergram said.


Another top Republican, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) fired off a midnight tweet praising President Trump and reassured the American people that Kavanaugh’s nomination is still on track.


Graham then said: The President is dead right about Judge Kavanaugh being highly qualified, the right person for the job, and also right about letting process play out.


Kavanaugh nomination is still on track. Stay tuned!

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3123087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3206 >>3563

IT WAS ALL A DEMOCRAT PLOT: Christine Ford Adviser Told Democrats in July Call About Plot to Take Down Kavanaugh (AUDIO)


In a July conference call to Democrat leaders, Ricki Seidman – a Democratic operative, former Clinton White House official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.


IT WAS ALL A DEMOCRAT PLOT: Christine Ford Adviser Told Democrats in July Call About Plot to Take Down Kavanaugh (AUDIO)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft September 21, 2018 417 Comments


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In a July conference call to Democrat leaders, Ricki Seidman – a Democratic operative, former Clinton White House official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.


Ricki Seidman


Democrats knew they had nothing on squeaky-clean Judge Kavanaugh so they devised a plot to take him down in July.


But Ricki Seidman spoke about her plot to destroy Kavanaugh on the July call.


Ricki Seidman: Over the coming days and weeks there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it’s possible that that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee.


This was at the same time anti-Trump protester Christine Blasey Ford sent her letter to Senator Feinstein.


Senator Feinstein has still not released the unredacted letter. Democrats are hiding facts from the public. And Seidman is advising Christine Ford in the party’s disgusting hit on Judge Kavanaugh.


This was all a Democrat plot to take down Judge Kavanaugh.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3123147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Freedom of navigation isn’t a freedom to invade & infringe upon sovereignty’ – China’s UK envoy


Beijing “cherishes” the freedom of navigation principle but will not remain idle as Western powers use it as a pretext to show off their “military might” and “create trouble” in the South China Sea, China’s UK ambassador has said.


“Some big countries outside the region did not seem to appreciate the peace and tranquility in the South China Sea. They sent warships and aircraft all the way to the South China Sea to create trouble,” Ambassador Liu Xiaoming told the annual Induction Programme for Commonwealth Diplomats, held in London.


China, the Ambassador stressed, has no problem with freedom of navigation and actually “cherishes” the principle, which allows “hundreds of thousands” of ships to sail through the disputed waters of one of the world’s biggest trade arteries. Beijing is only concerned when the US vessels and those of their allies brazenly breach the territorial waters of the Paracel and the Spratly chain of islands, where China has been building up military infrastructure to protect its territorial claims.


“Under the excuse of so-called 'freedom of navigation', they ignored the vast sea lane and chose to sail into the adjacent waters of China's islands and reefs to show off their military might,” the ambassador said, calling such actions a “serious infringement” of China's sovereignty and a threat to security as well as the peace and stability of the region.


“Freedom of navigation is not a license to do whatever one wishes. Freedom of navigation is not freedom to invade other country’s territorial waters and infringe upon other country's sovereignty. Such 'freedom' must be stopped. Otherwise, the South China Sea will never be tranquil,” the Chinese envoy to the UK warned.


The resource-rich South China Sea is the subject of conflicting and overlapping claims by a number of countries, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. The US has been sending its vessels and airplanes to carry out patrol missions in the disputed area, repeatedly causing outcries from Beijing.


American allies, namely the UK and Japan, have also agitated China by shows of force in the disputed waters. Just last week the Maritime Self-Defence Force of Japan held submarine drills in the region, with the participation of destroyers. In early September, Beijing was forced to dispatch a frigate and two helicopters to escort the UK's HMS Albion through the South China Sea.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3123178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3378 >>3415 >>3726

Kamala Harris: ‘Reasonable Doubt’ Standard Does Not Apply to Kavanaugh; Ford’s Sex Assault Charge Does Not Need to Be Proven


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who is touted to be one of the lead questioners should a new hearing be scheduled to hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said in an interview with the Daily Beast that Ford’s (uncorroborated) allegations of Kavanaugh sexually assaulting her at a drunken high school pool party decades ago do not need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt for Kavanugh to be denied a seat on the Supreme Court.


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) questioning Judge Brett Kavanaugh at Senate hearing earlier this month, image via screen grab.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.3123203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3563

Border Patrol Agents in Texas Town Apprehend 300 Migrants in One Day


Border Patrol officials in the Rio Grande Valley Sector say they are being “inundated” with large groups of migrant families and unaccompanied minors. In one day, they apprehended nearly 3o0 in a small border area near Granjeno, Texas.


McAllen Station agents working routine patrols between Granjeno and the Rio Grande River encountered a group of 170 migrants early Wednesday morning. The migrants were smuggled across the river on rafts or other small boats and assembled as a group to turn themselves in to authorities. Border Patrol agents found them shortly after midnight on Wednesday, according to Rio Grande Valley Sector officials.


The agents called for backup to help process the large group of Central American families and unaccompanied children.


Officials reported that human smugglers used this group of migrants as a distraction so that they could move other groups intending to evade apprehension.


Later that afternoon, McAllen Station agents working in the same area arrested 107 additional migrants in a single incident. The migrants turned themselves in to the first Border Patrol agents they could find.


Rio Grande Valley Sector officials said the 284 will be processed in accordance with sector guidelines.


The August Southwest Border Migration Report recently released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials revealed that agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector apprehended 16,752 migrants in one month. Of those, the agency reported the apprehension of 7,094 family units and 2,234 unaccompanied minors.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3123223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3563

EXCLUSIVE: Released Text Messages And Emails Show Mueller Team’s Cozy Relationship With Press


Released messages document how Mueller’s spokesman took dozens of meetings with reporters over three months in 2017.

Reporters from nearly every major media outlet have been jockeying for influence and favoritism within the special counsel’s office.

One awkward exchange illustrates a reporter from CNN trashing an article written by White House correspondent Jim Acosta.


Hundreds of pages of emails and text messages released from the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) special counsel’s office through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show an ongoing relationship between Robert Mueller’s team and the press, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


The documents, released in September, span months of communication and include messages from reporters ranging from a variety of outlets, including TheDCNF, The Washington Post and BuzzFeed.


While the vast majority of correspondences between Mueller’s spokesman Peter Carr and a variety of journalists ends with a “no comment,” the messages expose Mueller’s team was willing to meet with a number of reporters in private meetings and over the phone.


Coordinating such meetings cuts against the narrative that the special counsel has been hesitant to give information to the press, instead opting to give information only through public announcements and statements.


The New York Times ran a story in August poking fun at the secrecy of the special counsel, with one reporter writing that Carr’s “‘no comment’ replies have become a running dark joke among the Washington press corps.”


But on July 21st, 2017, Adam Goldman from TheNYT sent an email to Carr about arranging a “touch base” meeting, according to documents provided by the DOJ.


That meeting was later rescheduled, but it is just one in a pattern of meetings and private calls from reporters jockeying for opportunities to solicit information from an investigation that has been labeled as “leak proof” from the press.


Ironically, Vox was one of those exact outlets that proclaimed Mueller’s team as immune to leaks — despite one of its reporters communicating extensively with Carr via text.


During one interaction, Alex Ward asks Carr off the record if the investigation would continue should President Donald Trump fire Mueller.


“As guidance only, the [Deputy Attorney General] testified last week that he, not the President, would be the one to make the decision. 28 CFR 600 outlines under what circumstances a Special Counsel can be removed. If it came to that, a replacement would likely be found,” Carr answers.


A day later, Carr aids Ward in describing the room in which the investigation takes place. Despite Carr’s assistance, he is never mentioned in Ward’s piece published over a month later.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3123250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mark Levin Slams The Democrats For Smearing Brett Kavanaugh


'Control. That’s what it’s all about.'



Syndicated radio personality and CRTV host Mark Levin ripped the Democrats for stooping to new lows in their attempts to smear Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


“I think the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee and the Democrats in the media have a lot to atone for, quite frankly,” he said. “What you see here, ladies and gentlemen, is a battle between those who support the Constitution and those who don’t.”


The bestselling author made the comments on his Wednesday night radio program.


“Those who support constitutionalism and those who support progressivism,” he continued. “You see the battle between them and the President of the United States and how they’re trying to destroy him and his family. Progressives are not compassionate; progressives don’t have big hearts.”


Levin slammed the Democrats for their behavior regarding Kavanaugh’s hearings and their willingness to accept the allegations of his accuser Dr. Christina Ford without evidence.


“Chuck Schumer is the de facto lawyer to Dr. Ford,” he opined. “Chuck Schumer is no doubt working with the Democrat left-wing lawyers.”


Levin continued, “They insist on blocking [Brett Kavanaugh] because they want to take over the Senate. That’s why. We all know what’s going on.”


The ‘Life, Liberty, Levin’ host accused the Democrats of smearing Kavanaugh because of his traditionalist views of the Constitution as foundational. Levin explained that the Left see it as a "living, breathing" document that can change over time. Thus for the Democrats, this disqualifies Kavanaugh and he must be stopped.


“Power, baby! Control. That’s what it’s all about,” Levin concluded.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3123330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3336

Muhammad Names are Top For Baby Boys in England and Wales Sixth Year Running


Muhammad was the most popular name for baby boys in English regions London, the West Midlands, and Yorkshire and the Humber in 2017, government statistics show, with spelling variations in the name taking it to first place across England and Wales.


Officially Oliver remains the most popular name for newborn boys across the country, with 6,259 born last year. However, it is pushed into second place by Muhammad when slight spelling variations including Mohammed and Mohammad are included, which achieve 6,510 newborns between them.


The one-letter differences in spelling of the name between the three top-100 variants stem from the transliteration of ‎ from Arabic into the Latin alphabet, which can be imprecise.


Even alone, Muhammad was the 10th most popular name in England and Wales last year, having slipped two places since 2016 but rising 28 places since 2007.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3123346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3396 >>3563

BREAKING: Senate Republicans Make Counteroffer to Christine Blasey Ford With Friday Deadline


Senate Republicans made a counteroffer to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford early Friday afternoon.


Ford’s lawyers have until the end of the day Friday to work out the terms for next week’s hearing.


Ford was originally supposed to give her prepared testimony and biography to the Senate Judiciary committee by Friday 10 AM ET–they have extended the offer to the end of the day.


Politico reported that the Senate Republicans are offering to hold the hearing next Wednesday after Ford’s lawyers requested a Thursday hearing.


Via Politico:


“We’ll do it on Wednesday, we expect the accuser before the accused and we do intend to have the counsel do the questioning,” the senator said, summing up the Republicans’ stance. The party is OK with limiting the hearing to one camera as requested by Ford and has also “acquiesced” to Ford’s request that Kavanaugh not be in the same room as her, the senator said.


GOP members of the Judiciary Committee held a conference call on Friday morning to discuss how to respond to Ford’s requests on Thursday. And barring new revelations, the party plans to vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination in Judiciary Committee shortly after hearing her testimony next week.


Christine Ford has accused–without corroborating evidence–Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a drunken high school pool party decades ago.


The Democrats are completely unhinged– Dem Senator Kamala Harris said Ford’s (uncorroborated) allegations of Kavanaugh sexually assaulting her at a high school party over 35 years ago does not need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt for Kavanugh to be denied a seat on the Supreme Court.


The Republicans seem to be fighting back (shocker).


On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said the Republicans are going to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court very soon.


“We’re going to plow right through it,” McConnell said.


Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak said, “The only possible reason for Dr. Ford to demand a Thursday hearing (as opposed to Wednesday/Tuesday or the scheduled Monday) is to prevent the Senate from voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh before month’s end, leaving him off the bench when the Supreme Court’s next session starts.”

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3123392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3455 >>3563 >>3609

Over 200,000 Undocumented Migrants in Germany Were ‘Born’ on January 1st


More than 200,000 asylum seekers in Germany who have come to the country since 2014 share the birthday of January 1st because they arrived without any form of identification.


As of July 31st, a total of 207,347 asylum seekers in Germany share the same birthday of January 1st, according to the German Federal Ministry of the Interior after a question was posed to them by anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany MP Anton Friesen, Berliner Zeitung reports.


Of the total number, 125,408 asylum seekers had come to Germany during the height of the migrant crisis in 2015.


“The date January 1 is recorded when asylum seekers cannot produce a passport and other identity papers and know only their year of birth, but not the exact day or month,” the Interior Ministry said. In the first seven months of 2018, 6,367 asylum seekers were given a January 1st birth date.


The data reveals the extent of the number of migrants who have entered Germany without identification and, as a result, are much harder to deport to their home countries if their asylum claim is rejected.


Even when the government is aware of the countries in which asylum seekers originate, deportations remain difficult.


Last month, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) admitted that despite 86 percent of African migrants having rejected asylum applications, only 3,164 out of the total of 27,250 who came in the first six months of 2018 were deported.


In an attempt to answer questions about the origins of migrants coming to the country, such as links to terror organisations, whether they are lying about their age or where they come from, the government proposed to seize and examine the mobile phones of asylum seekers last year.


Only a year after the height of the migrant crisis, investigative journalist Abdullah Khan spent four months in an asylum reception centre and claimed that as many as 80 percent of the migrants he met either lacked or threw away their papers.


“Many pose as minors travelling alone, because word has spread that they will qualify for more benefits. … To lie about their age, many people use false passports and other identity documents,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3123435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3499 >>3563

Pentagon Hypes Taliban Body Counts to Try to Sell White House on Afghan War


Military previously avoided practice, fearing alienating others. The Pentagon’s leadership has long opposed using body counts as war propaganda, particularly in Afghanistan, fearing that it would echo he failed strategy of Vietnam, and alienating people around the world.


But in recent months, efforts to sell President Trump on the Afghan War have changed that, with officials now eager to get gaudy death tolls out to the public to prove that the US and its allies will “remove all who oppose them at every turn,” and are making progress in killing people.


Yet these same officials have long admitted this isn’t an effective way to communicate how the war is going, and that fixation on body counts comes off as terribly morbid. Whether it is something to sell President Trump on the war is another matter.


President Trump has been seen as increasingly weary of the 17-year-long war, with mounting territory losses convincing him, and many others, that the war is not winnable. That Pentagon officials are gambling on raw death tolls to reverse that pessimism is a testament to how desperate officials are getting for talking points.

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3123475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3563



Published on: Sep 21, 2018 @ 10:13 – According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, the Russian consortium Kalashnikov has proposed that Russian bases in Syria be equipped with automatic surveillance systems.


“The Kalashnikov consortium has proposed a number of technical solutions, automatic systems will be installed to carry out surveillance,” said Borisov, who added that there is already work to put these measures into practice.


The question of vigilance had been raised earlier by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered more vigilance at the Russian bases of Hmeymim and Tartus. In addition, the Russian Ministry of Defense has shown that it is aware of security issues, especially after a Russian plane Il-20 was shot down over the Mediterranean near the coast of Syria on September 17, according to Borisov.


FRN proposed that one purely military-strategic aim of the French downing of the IL-20, ascribed falsely to Syria, was to see how Russia would ‘plug the gap’ created by not having an IL-20. This appears to be a procedure aimed at that.


In addition, Russia has also formally stated that their IFF system did not fail. However Russia is overtly implying that because the Russian-built Syrian S-200 system which both Russia and the West alleges was involved in the downing Russian IL-20 did not have Russian codes, the IFF question did not come into play.


It is important to note that this is not stated explicitly, with reference to FRN’s piece explaining how Russian media and official statements are designed, also the same piece which explained that France was most likely the country which downed the IL-20, not Syria.


Both the independent analyst Pepe Escobar and the respected Tom Luongo of Strategic Culture Foundation have come forward to echo FRN’s assessment that it was France which most probably down the Il-20.


Luongo explains:

Anonymous ID: 7c1c5a Sept. 21, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.3123533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648

Angered PM May Implies ‘No Deal’ Closer After EU Insults and Rejections


The Prime Minister has indicated the UK will accelerate ‘No Deal’ Brexit preparations after European leaders rejected on Thursday her proposals and mocked Theresa May personally on social media.


Speaking in a surprise statement from Downing Street Friday, the Prime Minister said at “this late stage” of talks it is “not acceptable” for the bloc not to present alternative proposals when they reject ideas from the UK without explanation.


She singled out EU Council President Donald Tusk for saying her plans would damage the EU “without saying how” or any giving and detail.


After Friday’s summit, Mr Tusk captioned a picture of himself and Mrs May cutting a cake: “A piece of cake, perhaps? Sorry, no cherries.” It was widely read as mocking Mrs May’s Brexit plan, which has been described as “cherry-picking” elements of the bloc.


Talks “were always going to be tough” but are now at an impasse, the Prime Minister said, and repeated her statement that “no deal is better than a bad deal.”


“So we now need to hear from the EU what the real issues are and what their alternative is so that we can discuss them,” she continued. “Until we do, we cannot make progress.”


“We stand ready,” she also blasted.


Brexiteers, meanwhile, have long warned Mrs May’s ‘Chequers’ plan for a ‘soft’ Brexit would not be acceptable to the bloc and advocated either a clean exit or trade deal.


Mrs May, however, said today the only options on offer from the European Union (EU) was keeping the UK inside the bloc’s single market or a “basic” trade deal, which would also mean dividing the UK to keep the Irish border open.


Both of these were unacceptable, she said, as the first would continue uncontrolled migration and “make a mockery” of the referendum result, while the latter would “divide our nations.”


The EU was “making a fundamental mistake” if they thought she would bend to these demands.


“I have treated the EU with nothing but respect” the Prime Minister blasted, added that she expects the same from the bloc, remarks that may represent a noticeable change of tone.


And, after EU leaders said they wanted to overturn Brexit, Mrs May insisted it would “threaten public trust in our democracy” to “deny the legitimacy” of the nation’s largest ever democratic exercise.”


Mrs May added: “Anything which fails to respect the referendum or which effectively divides our country in two would be a bad deal and I have always said no deal is better than a bad deal.”


Despite her stronger language, she also promised that the rights of EU citizens in the UK would be protected even if the UK left without a deal.


Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg commented: “…the EU is not acting in good faith. This makes the Prime Minister’s task harder and she is right to remind them that no deal is better than a bad deal… The Prime Minister has shown steely resolve at the eleventh hour and is standing up to the EU bullies.


“The next step is to say to the EU £40 billion and free trade or World Trade terms.”


Former UKIP leader and MEP Nigel Farage added: “Pleased to see Mrs May sounding a bit tougher but a huge opportunity missed to push for a free trade deal with no political linkage. That is what Brexit voters want.”


IMO Cabal to use no deal brexit to trigger civil unrest in UK, which will spread to mainland Europe unless the hammer drops soon to expose the UK Gov