I'm tired of the antiCatholic bashing. The Vatican has been infiltrated by satanists/masons especially since Vatican II but the Church and her teachings are still true. Like the bride in the Song of Solomon, the Church is battered and bloodied by evil doers from without and within, but she will be rescued by her bridegroom Christ. Over half of the marine officers are Catholic. One third of the military is Catholic even though only 20% of the US population. The first Universities and hospitals were started by Catholics. Most of the brave police and firemen who died during 911 were Catholic. Over 1100 communists infiltrated the US seminaries in the 1930s and approx 3500 were reported as infiltrators by NATO in the 1970s. The fruit of that infiltration by communist/satanists is the sexual abuse scandal and Vatican bank money laundering. Stop with the hate. Are Americans or America evil because many of its elite are evil?
Please learn some real history and stop with the fake antiCatholic history. Read the early Church leaders who were the disciples of the apostles. The Declaration of Independence was based on the writings of Catholic Robert Bellarmine (1600s) who based his works on Thomas Aquinas. Most priests through history have lived a very simple life and lay down their lives for their sheep like Christ did; so stop with the slander, please.
You are attacking a straw man - I did not say the Bible is slanderous. You are slandering priests by alleging they are hirelings and lead the sheep to the wolves or flee at the first sign of trouble. You are mistaken, most priests sacrifice their lives for their sheep in one manner or another.
Please stop insulting Christ and the earliest Christian martyrs. The Chi Rho is a symbol of Christ.
Catholic Dictionary
A symbol of Christ, arranged as a monogram, comprising the first two letters, XP, of his name in Greek. First presented publicly in the fifth century, it has been found in catacomb inscriptions of the second century. The P is usually vertically rendered with a single crossbar producing the X, but sometimes an additional transverse cross is used for embellishment and the initials A and Ω are free or attached to the added bar. Emperor Constantine (d. 337) employed it as an emblem on his military standard, the labarum and ancient Welsh and Scottish tomb monuments bear this sacred symbol carved in stone. As a monogram denoting triumph it fell into disuse after the fall of Rome, the Cross supplanting it. (Etym. Greek chi. X; rho, P.)
Please stop insulting Christ and the early Christian martyrs relying on your fake history antiCatholic reading/research.
Catholic Dictionary
A symbol of Christ, arranged as a monogram, comprising the first two letters, XP, of his name in Greek. First presented publicly in the fifth century, it has been found in catacomb inscriptions of the second century. The P is usually vertically rendered with a single crossbar producing the X, but sometimes an additional transverse cross is used for embellishment and the initials A and Ω are free or attached to the added bar. Emperor Constantine (d. 337) employed it as an emblem on his military standard, the labarum and ancient Welsh and Scottish tomb monuments bear this sacred symbol carved in stone. As a monogram denoting triumph it fell into disuse after the fall of Rome, the Cross supplanting it. (Etym. Greek chi. X; rho, P.)
I do agree this hideous hall is satanic but it confirms what I wrote about infiltration of the Vatican by satanists. The building was completed in the 1970s. If JP1 had not been murdered this would not have been allowed or even conceived. Christ knows his bride.
The strongest weapon against the evil one is the Holy Eucharist present in the Catholic churches.