Anonymous ID: 8d411c Sept. 21, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.3124608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

Man this timeline is nuts right now. From the new potential revelations about a wire being worn as collateral in the case their other plans failed, to the FISA impending release, bullshit artist Ford now asking the meeting to be delayed from Monday to Thursday to circumvent the current session and break the vote potential, to the six fucking sun spot observatories being taken offline and the list goes on.


To you Q (as its been awhile), I have long stated on the chans that those observatories were highly suspect for our national security if a foreign entity was able to get employed at them and especially after China ninja'd a "space monitoring" base in Chile last year which, coincidentally, is one of the locations (coincidence? no..) of an observatory "closure" last week.


Only two (well three) options I see:


1) All this is coincidence.


2) Much like them including counters they could exploit in our drones and military hardware chips which the POTUS quickly took care of after taking office (thank you very much for this you glorious SOB you), they (money is very much on China) began to use the observatories for spying on us.


3) Observatories found something near the Sun and the authorities rushed to take all evidence of whatever it was to assure they could study it before the public caught wind.


My money is on #2 and especially so considering the specific locations and how a "new" search warrant was produced in terms of the New Mexico observatory claiming the shut down of the entire place and the local post office was based on the janitor downloading CP. As bad as CP is, I just don't see an entire FBI task force shutting down an entire sunspot observatory to pick up one asshole on the (literally) exact same day that five other sun observatories were shutdown. If you are curious:


AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera - Sydney Australia


The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope - Chile


BRT Tenerife Telescope - Spain


Mauna Kea observatory -University of Hawaii Hilo


Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope observatory - Hawaii


JAT OBservatory - Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania


So again… "man this timeline is nuts"