Anonymous ID: f3c885 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.3124881   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4896


Because the implications of this FISA release - particularly with respect to what Hillary Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, UK Intelligence, Australian Intelligence and Obama did - would end up stopping the Kavanaugh confirmation.


It would be giving the cabal a slam dunk where now they have to throw these sexual abuse allegations at Kavanaugh in the desperate attempt.


Kavanaugh is big because he will uphold Military Tribunals and will not allow for appeals to the Supreme Court for JUSTICE which we all want more than anything.


In the grand scheme of things, FISA is going to be a slow trickle and it will ALL come out. But if we weigh it against a conservative SCOTUS pick SWING VOTE MIGHT I ADD - its NOTHING.

Anonymous ID: f3c885 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3124922   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Who said vote isn't going through? Let's see what happens Monday. But honestly, the whole thing is going to fall apart. Whereas - the revelation that our long standing Allies SPIED on President Trump? Tried to set him up with fake Russian contacts?

Anonymous ID: f3c885 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.3125158   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Loretta Lynch left a paper trial with respect to the special entry into the united states of Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. It was the DOJ that requested her access according to the Hill. A federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan told the court in a hearing in January 2016 that the “extraordinary circumstances” parole request needed to be approved by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


Once in the country, Veselnitskaya contacted Manafort - who was subject to a FISA warrant leading Mueller to Manafort. The United Kingdom is exposed here due to their umbrella surveillance. The order was given. They must be removed and silenced as part of the Mueller probe. Manafort - removed and silenced. Papadopoulos - removed and silenced but is actually talking. Carter Page - removed and silenced. Flynn - removed and silenced. WHY? Because they know where the bodies are buried. They know the UK assisted with TANGENT CONTACT SURVEILLANCE.


The target is in the United States so they needed to use UK intelligence. The Real Target was in the United States - Trump. They started with surveillance of others and designated foreign targets to ultimately reach Trump. Normally, FISA law would not have allowed surveillance of US citizens but by sending it through the UK, the bulk data collection increased substantially by degrees of separation. The difference between UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM collections is massive.

Under Section 702, NSA collects internet communications in two ways: "downstream" (previously referred to as PRISM) and "upstream." Under downstream collection, NSA acquires communications "to or from" a Section 702 selector (such as an email address). Under upstream collection, NSA acquires communications "to, from, or about" a Section 702 selector. An example of an "about" email communication is one that includes the targeted email address in the text or body of the email, even though the email is between two persons who are not themselves targets.


Using the UK and probably targeting FOREIGN INVADERS sent by foreing intelligence as selectors allowed US authorities to reach TRUMP?