Anonymous ID: 053671 Sept. 21, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.3125618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3123482 (pb)

>>>3123428 (pb)

>>"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." (Nikola Tesla)

>Got booted from Masters program arguing that incessantly.


Accept the boot as a badge of HONOR for it proves that YOU could not be brainwashed :-)


>Never knew Tesla said it first.


Actually, the underlying metaphysics of that quote originates from a branch of theology, known as "negative theology." (1st century)


Back then, from a theological perspective, it was called "idolatry" if we built a statue (an "idol") to represent our god, because the idol then confines our concept of "god" within a fixed structure (think dogma).


Similarly, in science today, we are essentially committing "idolatry" when we accept our theories of reality for reality its self. Thus, by restricting our perceptual awareness within the confines of a Theory (Greek orig "theater of the mind"), we become blind to information that would advance our understanding of reality. True science is a dynamic perceptual process, not the static act of memorizing "scientific facts.”


The popular belief that "science" somehow originated with Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton is a modern day falsehood of epic proportions. For example, the metaphysics that I just summarized above serves as the largely forgotten, but nevertheless essential, foundation of the scientific method, specifically the component that we call "testing the null hypothesis". Plotinus said it best, "We can only say what is not, for what is, we cannot say."


>That made my day anon.

>Thanks Fren