Anonymous ID: 0627d5 Sept. 21, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.3126574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6648 >>6662


>In more and more Q posts, we are getting language referring to "We are handling it don't worry".

>More and more it seems Q is trying to stop US from rioting.


Exactly. The opposite of what the AJ crowd are doing.


The point here is, do you want to win the war or just win a battle that will keep the US and the world on the same trajectory?


The pace is breakneck fast in my opinion and preventing bloodshed is important to winning the war. Most of the dems and many repubs are just ignorant but starting to wake up to how deep the corruption is.


None of the things Q has said are that astonishing to me or most of the long term people on here. However, these revelations are mind bending to the normies.


The current pace is waking people up at a rate they can handle. There will be very few dems that actually approve of spying on candidates or rigging elections. Sure there are the entrenched deep state of hwood, beltway spooks and globalist owners on both sides of the aisle. These are the ones who are being removed - by any means necessary - by the appropriate government groups.


ONLY by doing this in an orderly and legal method can the government regain legitimacy in the eyes of all people. Let Q team do their jobs. If you want to help, calm down the hotheads so that Q team can win the war.

Anonymous ID: 0627d5 Sept. 21, 2018, 2:38 p.m. No.3126812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is where I disagree with their assessment. They spend 75% of their time trying to appease normies, and appeasing the democrats.


>We've had 20 years of truth, and normies who are still asleep are useless.


>We're spending too much time trying to convert retards. I'm sick of it.

>I need public hangings or I'll be in favor of rioting.


Over half the people don't even vote. This pace is about bringing in those people and ensuring that their vote actually matters.


Going hot on a civil war would be an instant win for the deep state. This is why it is being pushed. Divided people cannot actually take back the state and will allow the globalists to put the broken egg back together in their image.


20 years of truth? Seriously?!? The mockingbird media is just now starting to unravel. It is this very pace which allows the retards to absorb information from other sources and start to think.