Anonymous ID: e12cb2 Sept. 21, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.3126425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6671 >>6675

To ME…This is THE Biggest News Story during our whole ride here YET. Flipping a DEMOC-RAT seat that was "held" (Rigged) by then for 139 YEARS, When Hilldawg won by 10 or so points, is….Remarkable and shows us ALL we need to know about the work POTUS & Patriots & CitizenJournalists have done the past 18 months.


I've been guessing a 72%-22% across the board wipeout of Dems in the Mid-Terms, but at this point, it MAY very well be a CLEAN Sweep.


I LOVE Waking up EVERY day to NOTHING but GREAT News for America and Working Class Americans. Quite the change from the first 40+ years of my life. Thank You Q…Thank You POTUS…Thank YOU Anons. I love you all.