Of course I don't have all the answers, but I'll give you my perspective.
I don't see the personification of Jesus as entirely literal. The sacrifice, and other portions of the bible are likely influenced from other folklore and stories (Pagan religion). I suspect there is much discussed about canabalism in history, an this is no exception, lots to talk about.
I believe in the concept for redemption, of forgiveness, and a global morality.
I agree - in GOD we SHOULD see each other compassionately!
The problem is - not every culture, and religion shares that with us - THAT'S what makes us unique.
I, just like you, believe we HAVE to treat each other with compassion. That's what makes us Christian, or even atheist, as long as you're a good person. We have this in common, so we are a fit culturally.
It's very unfortunately, for the vast majority of the world, we don't share the same values necessarily. Thus creating a culture, a country of people who share values is a JUST one. Thus, this very cause is just.