Anonymous ID: b6d8cb Sept. 21, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.3127807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Imagine a timeline where;


Timemachines exist. But only that 1 at first.

So they run experiments on it and see the future is bad.


They would need to send lets say 40 guys ti a very spesific time to do 1 thing.

They get money to live well. They cant return.

As long as they do that 1 thing.


So they set up their life and a "failsafe" if they themselfes where to fail.

After the event they either escape and go back to their life.

Or get killed while doing it.


So at very spesific time things happen that "people cant seem to understand"


Then slowly the timeline are changed to have a certain outcome.


We live now in 2018.

The future already happened fyi.

In that future timechanges can happen.


Its just a paradox. Solve it and you solve many things.


Time is now. But the future also already happened.

So what timline are we going to be in?

That is why it is dangerous for the masss to wake up.

They take their own choices not based on MSM and a "prefixed" narrative that can be a controlled outcome.


If no tc or MSM that future is fucked.

And its not we who are in the dark..

Its them.

Not knowing wtf is going to happen in the future.


It is really simple.


The masses = woke

All futures = uncertain = back to free will.


MSM neeed to go.

TV needs to go.

Anonymous ID: b6d8cb Sept. 21, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.3128101   🗄️.is 🔗kun



U remember a time you was busted for something when you where little kid?

Then got all panick attack..?


Imagine people with lots to loose.

They are trembling.