Anonymous ID: f563d5 Sept. 21, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.3128892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8924


If [RR] resigns on his own to become the Ds “sacrificial lamb” due to the constant flow of new leaks that keep coming out, will the FISA Docs ever be DECLAS? Or will they be withheld to save the face of our “allied” frenemies and world peace?

You’ve said NO DEALS, but you’ve also said 60% must remain private. Even if one of those 50,000+ sealed indictments have HUSSEIN's and another has HRC’s name on it, a 60% is pretty good odds.

If no FISA DECLAS, then that sounds like HUSSEIN and HRC will be spared for expediency and to prevent turmoil in the country.

Sunlight needs to be shine on HUSSIEN and HRC regardless.