Anonymous ID: 532adf Sept. 21, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.3129692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9718 >>9730 >>9755 >>9806

It appears Senator Chuck Grassley has had enough. In a statement issued tonight, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman says he’s giving Christine Blasey Ford and her legal team a deadline of 10pm tonight to respond to panel’s testimony offer.

As The Hill reports, the committee announced on Friday that the Monday hearing — where both Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, had been invited to speak — was being called off.


Instead, Grassley said in a statement Friday that he is giving Ford’s lawyers until 10 p.m. on Friday to respond to the GOP request for her to testify on Wednesday.


"I’m providing a notice of a vote to occur Monday in the event that Dr. Ford’s attorneys don’t respond or Dr. Ford decides not to testify," Grassley says.


"In the event that we can come to a reasonable resolution as I’ve been seeking all week, then I will postpone the committee vote to accommodate her testimony. We cannot continue to delay.”


If they do not, or if Ford declines to testify, Grassley said the Judiciary Committee will vote Monday on Kavanaugh's nomination.


Democrats lambasted the GOP maneuver.


All 10 Democrats on the Committee wrote a letter to Grassley saying "the Committee majority’s treatment of Dr. Ford has unquestionably been worse than the disgraceful treatment that Anita Hill received 27 years ago." Hill accused now-Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991 and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were criticized for their handling of the situation.


President Trump tonight reconfirmed his support for Kavanaugh and said he expected him to get confirmed.


Meanwhile, social media is alive with #WhyIDidntReport tweets of abused women explaining why they did not report their abuse, as if in some way this provides cover for Ford's lack of reporting or remembering the event until many years later.

Anonymous ID: 532adf Sept. 21, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.3129795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"No You Can't" - Broad Coalition Rallying Against Obama Center

Here’s something you don’t see every day: Chicago’s progressive Readeraligned with conservative Breitbart. Both had articles Wednesday slamming the Obama Center to be built in Chicago’s Jackson Park.



And everybody in between, it seems, is upset with the proposed center for one reason or another.


The community organizer has managed to inspire unusual unity:


Fiscal conservatives worried about our insolvent state object to how some $200 million was quietly appropriated in Illinois’ recently enacted budget for roadways around the center. Federal taxpayers will reimburse Illinois for 80% of that money, which was the subject of our recent Wall Street Journal article.


Local folks have long objected, claiming the Obama Foundation, which is building the center, isn’t directing enough jobs and benefits towards them. No surprise. When I visited the site a few weeks ago it looked like most of the work was being done by the usual Chicago union white guys. The Nation earlier criticized the absence of some form of community benefits agreement.


Many University of Chicago graduates, who serve as de facto guardians of the architectural and intellectual standards of the neighborhood, don’t want a scar on the area. Some are behind the federal lawsuit now pending to stop construction.


Believers of the rule of law say statutes were trampled on to cram authorization through, which is outlined in the legal complaint.


First Amendment hawks like me object to use of taxpayer money and exceptionally valuable land for what will be a political training camp in part. A First Amendment claim is part of the lawsuit.


Environmentalists and conservationists were particularly infuriated to see pictures of mature trees being mowed down for the center on land that’s supposed to be permanently dedicated as parkland.


And everybody just seems fed up with all the lying, including the federal judge. It was originally pitched as privately funded, presidential library, but it’s neither. Recently, the city got the judge to allow it to continue mowing down trees on the parkland site based on the city’s claims that its work was separate from the center. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed a motion saying the city basically lied about that. Before that motion would be heard, the city turned tail and agreed to halt its work.