Anonymous ID: 37a68b Sept. 21, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.3130427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0510

9/11 lies — stating that 'a plane' struck the Pentagon is a lie by omission. A 757 passenger plane did not strike the Pentagon on 9/11. This is the tactic that the cabal uses - they keep real knowledge [POWER] to themselves. If you don't give us 100% truth [COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY] - your mission - your initiative - will eventually lead us right back to where we are. I understand that you can't dump it all out at once, but you MUST commit to the [TOTAL RELEASE] of information at the conclusion of operations. Why not give us the Pentagon [HD] video of the [aircraft] strike on 9/11? Would it impact national security - or cabal security? The military officers who participated in the 9/11 hoax [by not coming forward] – they disgust me – they are cowards – not even God will have mercy on their souls.