Anonymous ID: f7004e Sept. 21, 2018, 5:22 p.m. No.3130017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0136 >>0290 >>0314 >>0389

BOOM! Sen. Grassley Tells Christine Ford’s Liberal Hack Attorneys NO DICE! — On Their Several Lunatic Demands


Senate Republicans made a counteroffer to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford early Friday afternoon.

Ford’s lawyers have until 10 PM Friday to work out the terms for next week’s hearing, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said Friday evening.


Christine Ford was originally supposed to give her prepared testimony and biography to the Senate Judiciary committee by Friday 10 AM ET–they have extended the offer to 10 PM ET.


Senator Grassley said he is providing a notice to vote to occur Monday if Christine Ford does not respond by 10 PM ET tonight or if Ford decides not to testify.


Senator Grassley also denied the outlandish requests from the lunatic attorneys representing Christine Ford.


The Senate Judiciary Committee will NOT allow Christine Ford to speak first — that is not how the rule of law works.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will NOT allow Christine Ford to stall the proceedings -she is only required to tell her 36-year-old story.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will NOT allow only senators to question Ford — a female staff attorney will be questioning Ford (this was a Democrat tactic to berate and harass white men in their campaign ads. Democrats are sick people.)

Anonymous ID: f7004e Sept. 21, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.3130057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0127 >>0308 >>0508 >>0606

Denuclearization Negotiations May Be Fruitful as Trump, Kim Get ‘Serious'


With US Secretary Mike Pompeo indicating that he's willing to restart denuclearization talks with North Korea, the latest round of negotiations could prove to be a successful go at mending US ties with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Gareth Porter, an analyst specializing in US national security policy, told Sputnik.


Pompeo announced on Wednesday that he would be inviting North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho to New York next week to restart talks at the United Nations General Assembly meeting.


The 54-year-old official's declaration came on the heels of South Korean President Moon Jae-in's third meeting with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un, which resulted in Kim promising to dismantle his nuclear program by 2021, if the US makes its own concessions.


Porter told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear on Thursday that despite all the back and forth between Kim and US President Donald Trump, both leaders "are serious about reaching an agreement for denuclearization."


Aside from a period where Trump threw childish insults at Kim in 2017, including the time when he referred to Kim as "rocket man," Porter told hosts John Kiriakou and Walter Smolarek that Trump "has been relatively consistent in his position that the United States has to negotiate with North Korea.


"He has been alone, as far as I know, among major political figures in saying that… it would be crazy not to negotiate with North Korea," Gareth said, before noting that Kim, unlike his predecessors, managed to successfully coax the US into peace talks by using Pyongyang's nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programs as bargaining chips.

Anonymous ID: f7004e Sept. 21, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.3130215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0292 >>0459

Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Police said Sunday that they had arrested two teenagers on suspicion of daubing swastikas on two synagogues in the central town of Petah Tikva.


A police source confirmed to The Times of Israel that the suspects, 17, from Petah Tikva and Haifa, are both Jewish.


On June 3, police received a report that a swastika had been sprayed on the walls of a synagogue on Sokolov Street in Petah Tikva, and another synagogue on Usishkin Street in the city, police said in a statement.


An investigation was opened that led to the arrests of the two minors. The investigation is continuing, police said.


In April police launched an investigation after Nazi images appeared as screensavers on computers in a school in Petah Tikva.


Several students were detained by police after a complaint was filed about two memes of Hitler and concentration camps which appeared on the computer network of the high school.


A police spokesperson said at the time that “it appears that a minor, a student of the educational institution, did some work on a computer in one of the classes, in which he created a presentation with Nazi content.”


Police have investigated several incidents of swastikas spray-painted in various locations in the city in the past few months.


It was not clear if the two 17-year-old suspects were connected to previous incidents of swastika graffiti.

Anonymous ID: f7004e Sept. 21, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3130384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0437 >>0468 >>0470 >>0490 >>0508 >>0606



U.S. Senators Personal Email Accounts Targeted by Foreign Hackers


Foreign government hackers have targeted the personal email accounts of a number of U.S. senators and their aides, Google confirmed to CNN on Thursday.


A day earlier, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., sent a letter to Senate leadership to inform them of the incident and call for a change in how the Senate approaches cybersecurity. Wyden wrote a "major technology company" informed him that he was being targeted.


Google has admitted that it is the company in question. The tech giant declined to say when they detected these threats and which senators were targeted, however. CNN also reported that both Republicans and Democrats were targeted.


It's not clear how successful the attacks were. Google has previously stated that when a warning is sent out, it's not a guarantee that something has happened.


"We send these out of an abundance of caution—the notice does not necessarily mean that the account has been compromised or that there is a widespread attack," said Shane Huntley of Google's Threat Analysis Group.


This news comes as both Washington and Silicon Valley are on high alert about election security and in particular, foreign meddling in elections.


The White House has prepared sanctions for any election interference, while companies like Facebook and Symantec have introduced new tools to prevent inappropriate tricking and trolling.


This incident serves as a helpful reminder not to fall for phishing attempts. There are a few things experts recommend you do to avoid being caught.


Building a cover narrative????