Anonymous ID: 5af15e Sept. 21, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.3131566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1602


Listen Up Anons:

The TRUTH about the Blasey Ford Story


The lady protests TOO much. The event she recounts would be NOTHING to a middle aged, menopausal female who has been married and given birth. Nothing. Certainly nothing to destroy the career and reputation of a man 35 years later, even if she thought it was him.


She would have been shocked that night, shaky for a few days, maybe at most a week. Decades later it could be no more than an uncomfortable memory (if that) but the emotion of it would have long since faded, not persevere.


In my youth was a far too innocent, petite, curvy, pretty blonde; have experienced several events of being accosted very similar to her story and also experienced rape. Being accosted and escaping, you remember feeling shaky but also a sense of success at surviving intact. You learn skills, how to better protect yourself. There would be no teary-eyed drama decades later, no malice at the fumbling, over-hormoned teenaged peers.


This ‘maybe I will’ or ‘maybe I won’t testify’ teasing game she is playing, is over nothing. She was not raped.


Not even close.