No, the best thing to do is buy a full complement of firearms: rifle, shotgun, handgun, backup handgun. Then pray you never have to use them, while praying the enemy notices them.
Also start converting excess bank savings into hard assets like… again firearms. The opposite of liquidity. What's the word for it?
The French Revolution was caused by the Jesuits who were at the time banned by the Catholic Church. They confiscated all Catholic property in France and used it as the base for Assignat currency, which they printed and printed until the whole society was at each others throats. Accusations of hoarding. The usual symptoms. Had nothing to do with wealth disparity.
You think Napoleon saved the day? No, he was the last stage. He took the crown from the Pope and crowned himself. Then he forced the Pope to reinstitute the Jesuits. Game over. The Rothschilds were lockstep the whole way.
Jesuits are behind the Rothschilds. They're the core of it all. Fake Jesus-lovers. They're not like the nuns, they're like the CIA of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis is like President GHW Bush. Wait for this church to find itself in REAL depravity soon.
The goal is to suck all liquidity from the population into the bullshit market, then crash it. Trump gets ahead of it and trolls ((they who shall burn an eternity in hell)) by saying it's the mark of a healthy economy.
Do you think it's a straight connection to #1? Are we at the door to Barad-dur?
"For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way."
2 Thessalonians 2:7
It is our duty to resist until "the one" is taken out of the way, and hopefully we with him.