from last bread
The truth of all this is what's going to put them in the hospital. When busting sacred cows it's always a delight to watch OTHER's lose theirs, but you're never quite so willing to sacrifice your own. :D
Will finding out that not only are they your enemy but the perpetrators of one of the greatest frauds in the history of the world...make you go to hospital? How did the god of an obscure desert tribe come to "rule the world"? The Isaac Question should keep you busy for a while.
>Tesla's father was a cardinal and supposedly little Nikola was given open access to their library. No wonder he went on to do what he did. Apparently they underestimated his ability to understand what he was reading.
OH praise JEEBUS...a brain in the crowd...yep..they underestimated him...and Trump knows all...this is a great timeline :)
LOL between the religitards and the alientards (same thing really when you get right down to it...) this place is a dearth of intelligence
>https ://
Here's the sauce