Anonymous ID: 597056 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.3132361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2393 >>2403 >>2802

My fellow Patriots

It is time for a reminder.

The Great Awakening approaches

I'm afraid many have forgotten

Afraid too few truly understand.

(YOU) are all victims of war.

A psychological war that began before we were conceived.

Everything is designed to control your mind

> why do they need your attention?

> The matrix.

Every thought you have has been influenced by experience.

(((They))) have mastered the ability to influence (YOUR) experience

Influence your thought.

The mockingbird media

Currently being exposed

> just the tip

> This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine


Why do shills shill?

Why do (((they))) post nonsense?


(((they))) are trying too influence (your) experience

> think attention

A time will come in the future

When people will not be able to cope

Reality will not make sense

It is our responsibility to support those around us

> the beam of LIGHT

> activated