Anonymous ID: c2932e Sept. 21, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3132514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS hinted at something that I have been saying for months. Once the totality of the crimes of the democrats comes out, you wont be able to call yourself a democrat. The same way you can't call yourself a NAZI today, the label of "democrat" will be synonymous with deep state fuckery.


I predict, the liberals who honestly believed in the "dems are for the working man" mantra, will have to dissociate with the democrat party by breaking the party in 2; something to the effect of The New Liberal Party or something.


2Q2Q election cycle may be the first election cycle in many many moons with a political party other than R's and D's… to no avail as POTUS has this on lock.