Anonymous ID: cd3bb4 Sept. 21, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.3132436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey early night crew, I have something fun for you. One f my favorite bands, Thrice, just came out with a new album and there might actually be a Q reference in a song. And if you watch the video, the drummer has a Q on his bass drum! I've seen these guys live many times and the Q is something I'e not seen before. So here's the video and I included the lyrics which has some pretty telling Q lingo. Dustin, the lead singer is a Christian, too. Maybe he's here with us?


The Dark:


You try and keep me out of sight and out of mind

""You try and keep me from the light, but I know it's mine""


You’re rigging the game

You’re part of the system

It shows in the way

That you never listen when I speak

I’m not gonna wait

I’ve made my decision


And I’m not gonna sit in the dark anymore

""No I’m not gonna sit in the dark anymore""


You’re always telling me I'm not, not enough

But I’m enough


""You’re always turning back the clock, but time is up""

""Time is up""


You’re rigging the game

You’re part of the system

It shows in the way

That you never listen when I speak

I’m not gonna wait

I’ve made my decision


And I’m not gonna sit in the dark anymore

""No I’m not gonna sit in the dark anymore""


We’ve taken our knocks

We’re not gonna take them anymore

We’re not gonna stop

""Cause we've seen a world worth fighting for""

Ready or not

Together we’re kicking down the door